JAKARTA - Information Data and Facilities Center, Ministry of Communication and Information said that during the 10th World Water Forum Summit there were 184 attacks that led to the media website.worldwaterforum.org.

"Cyber attacks on international events are real. We try to prevent them, and Alhamdulillah it will not have a significant impact," said Head of the Information Data and Facilities Center, Irawati Tjipto Priyanti on Friday, June 7.

Of these, the PDSI team managed to monitor and stop cyber attacks with details of 48 critical, 40 major, and 96 minor incidents.

Meanwhile, in total of 184 attacks, PDSI found that the majority of attacks or as many as 54 percent were illegal resources access attacks, followed by 28 percent by Bad Bots, 12 percent SQL Injection, and 6 percent Cross-site scripting.

Talking about the reasons for cybercriminals to carry out attacks during these international events, the Head of the Information Infrastructure Working Group, PDSI, Suhartono, mentioned several reasons behind it.

"Usually the attacker wants to steal credentials. At the beginning, registration data, passport data, usually attackers will make efforts to get legal access anywhere to the website system," he explained.

While the second reason is where the attacker deliberately carried out a DDoS attack to prevent people from having access to the website, thus making the website down.

"They deliberately robotically access to reduce the credibility of the event itself, or Indonesia. Usually the attack is DDoS. When the DDoS attack is volumetric, it floods or prevents legal people from being covered with access," he said.

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