JAKARTA - Realizing the large number of AI-generative abuses as a means of child sexual harassment and exploitation, several influential AI leaders in the world are committed to protecting children's safety.

In collaboration withhir and All Tech Is Human, Amazon, Anthropic, Civitai, Google, Meta, Metaphysic, Microsoft, Mistral AI, OpenAI, and AI stabilities are publicly committed to the principles of Safety by Design.

With these principles, the companies are committed to protecting children against the manufacture and spread of sexual abuse material against children produced by AI (AG-CSAM) and other sexual violence.

On Tuesday, April 23,ide and all Tech Is Human released a paper entitled 'Safety by Design for Creative AI: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse,' which provides recommendations for companies that create AI tools, social media platforms, hosting companies and developers to take steps to prevent generative AI from being used to harm children.

One of its recommendations is to ask companies to select data sets used to carefully train AI models and avoid datasets containing only child abuse (CSAM) material, but also adult sexual content due to the generative AI tendency to combine the two concepts.

Their promise to set a breakthrough precedent for the industry and represent a significant leap in an effort to defend children from sexual harassment in line with the development of a future generative AI.

As part of their commitment to these principles, the company also agreed to publicize and share documentation transparently regarding their progress in carrying out these principles.

By integrating the Principles of Safety by Design into their generating AI technology and products, these companies not only protect children but also lead ethical AI innovations.

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