YOGYAKARTA Some of us may have had the results of a white blank photocopy while duplicating documents. If a photocopy machine only takes out white paper, it could be a sign of problems with the engine components. Well, the following article will discuss how to deal with photocopy with no results. Let's see the explanation!

Summarized from various sources, Monday, April 22, 2024, the following is how to deal with photocopy of no results:

1. Check the photocopy machine drawer

One of the reasons why photocopy has no results is the paper piled up in the drawer of the photocopy machine. To solve this problem, you can tuck the paper thoroughly and align the edges of the pile properly so that the whole paper is flat when placed in the drawer of the photocopy machine.

2. Check cartridge

The results of white blank photocopy can also be caused by cartridges that are still sealed. This condition can occur after replacing the cartridge with a new one. Not a few photocopy machine users forget to remove the ribbon on it, so the cartridge cannot drain the toner during the photocopy process.

To solve this problem, simply exit the cartridge from the photocopy and dance machines and then re-install them.

3. Check the socket and transfer of the corona separator

Another component that needs to be checked when the results of the white blank photocopy are the socket and transfer of the corona separator. These two components are in the first drawer.

The corona separator transfer needs to be cleaned with alcohol to ensure no dust or other dirt sticks. Also check whether this component is in good condition.

There are many cases where the picket is broken, but it is not detected. Therefore, there is a check on the socket.

4. Check out the exposure lights

Next, you can check the exposure light when the photocopy machine has no results or only takes out white blank paper.

If the exposure light goes out, then this could be an early sign of damage to the components of the photocopy machine.

To check the exposure light, you just need to open the wide blade. If the wiper blade is not opened, it will be difficult for you to see the exposure light.

5. Check primary charging

How to deal with photocopy there is no next result is checking primary charging. This is done when you see error notifications on the screen of the photocopy machine.

Primary charging is located above the drums, so you can open the drums first to be able to check the primary charging properly. When it is dismantled, you can clean the parts with microfiber and alcohol fabrics. Make sure all parts are installed properly so that the engine can perform optimally.

6. Check the high voltage transformer component

High Voltage Transformer (HVT) is a component that functions to flow currents to other components inside the photocopy machine. Unperforming HVT can cause photocopy blanks.

If this happens, there is only one solution, namely replacing damaged HVT with new components.

7. Check magnet development

In the developing magnet, there is a roll magnet in charge of ensuring the ink or toner is attached properly. If the roll magnet looks eroded, the toner will not work properly. To overcome this, you need to replace this component with a new one so that the photocopy machine no longer produces white blank paper.

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