JAKARTA In an era where quantum computing technology (quantum computing) is starting to develop, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin is already preparing to address its threat. Buterin recently introduced his plans to protect blockchain from the possible quantum computing threat. In a recent publication at Ethereum Research, Buterin explained an emergency scenario of quantum computing threats that could occur at any time, and how Ethereum was prepared to deal with them.

Furthermore, Buterin simulated a situation where quantum computers could be controlled by irresponsible parties. Where they can use the technology to access user funds. Responding to the negative impact caused by quantum computing, Buterin proposed a hard fork blockchain as a solution to recover the threatened funds.

The development of new transactions that are resistant to quantum computing attacks is the main focus, with the use of Winternitz and STARKs signatures to ensure transaction security. Buterin stressed that smart contract-based crypto wallets with core technology from the abstraction of ERC-4337 accounts will be the main key in the exploitation posed by quantum computing.

Buterin guarantees users who have never made transactions from their Ethereum wallet are safe from quantum exploitation. This is because only publicly available wallet addresses are risky, while private keys will remain protected.


Emphasize The Importance Of Hard Fork

Even so, experts predict that quantum computing capable of breaking blockchain encryption will not occur in the near future, at least until 2029. Buterin insists that the infrastructure needed to implement hard forks can be developed as quickly as possible.

Vitalik Buterin stressed the importance of Ethereum's infrastructure readiness to implement the necessary hard forks in response to quantum threats. By anticipating the bad possibilities posed by quantum computing, Ethereum has prepared proactive measures to ensure that a transition to a safer system can be carried out quickly and efficiently. This step will involve the introduction of a new transaction protocol designed to protect against quantum decryption.

Getting To Know Hard Fork

For additional information, the hard fork term in the crypto world refers to a major update to the blockchain that causes the old version to no longer be compatible with the new version. It's like a community that decides to change the rules of the game, creating two groups: one that follows the new rules and one that remains in the old rules.

These changes usually aim to improve weaknesses, add new features, or respond to differences of views in the community. As a result, two different cryptocurrencies can form, each with blockchain and different values. Hard fork is important to understand because it has a significant impact both on technology and the value of cryptocurrencies themselves.

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