JAKARTA The iOS 17.4 update has been rolled out to certain iPhone devices on Tuesday, March 5. In the update, Apple added a transcript feature to the Apple Podcast application.

This transcript will appear automatically within hours of the new episode being uploaded. Apple says that this feature can help users read the contents of thepodcast in the form of text and search for certain words or sentences.

Users can also play text from certain points by clicking on text that is visible on the screen. During the episode of the screen being screened, users will see the highlighted word according to the podcaster's pronunciation so that users can follow suit easily.

Apple's Senior Director of Global Accessibility Policy and Initiative, Sarah Herrlinger, said that this transcript was built on Apple's commitment. The company wants to create products and services that reach all walks of life.

"We are very pleased to make transcripts widely available to everyone, adding additional layer of accessibility to the Podcast experience," Sarah said, quoted from Apple's official blog.

Transcripts are a very useful feature for deaf people or hearing impairments who want to know the contents of the podcast. They can know the entire content of the podcast without the need to press the play button.

For now, the transcript feature is only available in the UK, Spain, Germany and France. Apart from being able to play on iOS, this feature can also be accessed by iPad users. Users must ensure that their device has received the iPadOS 17.4.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)