JAKARTA - Today, platform X users were shocked by the name Mahfud could not be found in the search tab X. Regarding this issue, the Director General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Samuel Abrajani Pangerapan, admitted that he had contacted X.

According to the confession given by X to Kominfo, the social media platform owned by Elon Musk admitted to finding a bot that uses Mahfud's name for spam. So they did the search cleaning.

"I have contacted X. So Mahfud's keywords are many. But before 9 o'clock (the search for Mahfud) appeared. X has said that he has found a spamming bot, the writing is not feasible, so X is cleaned first," Sammy told the media on Friday, January 26 at the Jakarta Ministry of Communications and Informatics office.

However, Sammy admitted that he did not know where the bot came from. "At 8.30 the phone, and they were recovering. I don't know, they (X) didn't report (the origin of the bot)," Sammy continued.

However, Sammy said that this incident was quite disturbing to the virtual world, because as we all know, Indonesia is currently entering the 2024 election campaign period.

"But it's quite disturbing, yes, because this is indeed the campaign season, suspicious, this is indeed the morning I just got it, at 7 o'clock I got the news. I saw it on my WA (Whatsapp), I immediately called the X and they responded to it last night they got the report," he added.

Previously, when the user searched Mahfud's name in the "Latest" search X field, you would find the words "No results for Mahfud". But now, according to VOI's monitoring, Mahfud's name search can be searched again on X.

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