JAKARTA Google is expanding on Pixel Watch devices. Initially, this smartwatch was only available in nineteen countries, but Google has added one new country.
From the 9to5google report, Pixel Watch 2 is officially available in Singapore. This addition is a great step by Google because the original Pixel Watch device is only available in eight countries to date.
With this expansion, the Pixel Watch 2 can already be found in twenty countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Singapore and Spain.
In addition, there are still Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Taiwan, Britain, and the United States. The only region in America that does not sell Pixel Watch 2 is Puerto Rico, an archipelagic country in the Caribbean Sea.
Although the Pixel Watch 2 has been released in Singapore, Google does not sell spare straps in the country. If people in Singapore want to buy a new bracelet, they must import or buy from third parties.
At least, people in Singapore get a complete choice of smartwatch colors. Google presents all color combinations of Pixel Watch 2, namely blue-silver, black-black,EL-gold, and silver-porselen.
In addition to offering a variety of colors, Google also provides attractive offers such as Premium Fitbit services for six months and one month YouTube Music Premium services. This device can be purchased on the offline and online Google Store.
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