JAKARTA - Early last January, WhatsApp announced a new Privacy Policy. It is considered that they access too much privacy data, in droves of WhatsApp users have moved to use alternative chat applications.

Telegram and Signal are two alternative chat applications that can benefit from these conditions. In fact, each application received a surge in users of up to hundreds of percent in just one week.

However, not everyone follows this trend. There are still many users who keep using the WhatsApp service every time. Either because it's already comfortable and difficult to remove, or can't find a suitable replacement.

Coupled with a campaign from WhatsApp stating that it upholds the security of user data, this enlarging issue disappears by itself. Then, we rarely find analysis or news related to WhatsApp's new privacy policy.

This does not mean that the threat has disappeared. However, data security issues are quite complex. And rather than passively waiting for the company to be able to create features that can secure data, it's better to optimize the features that are already available.

At least, according to the company, the security features that are now provided are sufficient to protect the security of user data. Quoting from the WhatsApp Help page, here are ways to increase WhatsApp security that you can try.

Turn on Security Notifications

Pemberitahuan keamanan WhatsApp (MakeUseOf)

When a new cellphone or laptop accesses your WhatsApp account data for the first time, a security code will be generated and sent on both devices. Apart from that, WhatsApp can also send notifications when the security code changes.

In this way, users can check the encryption of conversations with friends. So as to ensure that the security and information submitted are more secure.

Turn on Two-Step Verification

Cara mengaktifkan verifikasi dua langkah WhatsApp (MakeUseOf)

To quote the WhatsApp FAQ page, two-step verification is an additional security feature that is optional. This feature is a six digit number that functions as a passcode and will appear when you access your WhatsApp account via another device.

How to activate it is not difficult. You simply press the dot icon located in the upper right corner. Then, select the Settings menu, tap the Account menu, then select Two-step verification. Next you just press the Activate button.

Disable the WhatsApp App Lock Feature

Fitur pengunci aplikasi (MakeUseOf)

Many users consider app locking the best way to keep WhatsApp data safe. In fact, what is rarely known, WhatsApp does not have a built-in application lock feature.

The ones that provide app locking services are the Android operating system, iOS, or UI Customization owned by each cellphone manufacturer. Meanwhile, if this feature is activated, the OS can access user data. Instead of the company that keeps it, it becomes a firmware developer.

The only security feature that WhatsApp only has is two-step verification. Therefore, you should rush to activate this feature.

Control WhatsApp Account Privacy Settings

Pengaturan privasi WhatsApp (MakeUseOf)

Security experts admit that WhatsApp is not the best data privacy app. However, at least WhatsApp provides more freedom for users to control and organize data.

Meanwhile, the best security is done by yourself. You can set who can see WhatsApp Status, profile photo, and last seen status. To set it up, you can enter the Settings menu, then select the Account menu, then tap Privacy.

Actually, there is nothing new from the four ways to increase the security of WhatsApp mentioned above. Each of these is a feature that the company has provided for a long time. However, so far, these features are still recognized as capable of maintaining the security of user data.

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