Saturn's Ring Will Disappear In 2025, Here's Why!
Saturn's rings will not be visible in 2025 (photo: dock. NASA)

JAKARTA For decades, we have known Saturn as a planet that has a magnificent ring. However, the latest information says that this ring will disappear in 2025.

This information is true, but not completely true. The ring from Saturn will indeed disappear in 2025, but this only happens on Earth and is temporary. That is, the inhabitants of Earth will not be able to see the ring for a while.

According to the sciencealert explanation, the thin ring from Saturn will appear to disappear from a distance due to Earth's changing point of view. Half of the planet's orbit will lead to Earth's northern hemisphere, while it will lead to Earth.

With the changing season in Saturn running, the Earth will see a different side of the ring. Our direction of view will shift from the south side that is tilted to the north side.

Every two times a year, we can see the ring feels closer, but afterwards this ring will disappear from sight. So, the disappearance of Saturn's ring from the view of the Earth is nothing new.

In the midst of the process of appearing and losing the ring, Saturn has a point where the Earth can clearly see all the sights of Saturn and their bodies. That point is happening right now.

To see the view of Saturn using a telescope or binoculars, make sure to see it at night. The highest point from Saturn will appear at sunset.

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