JAKARTA Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX, gave an implied message that the second version of the Starship spacecraft will be coming soon. This message was shared on Friday, November 24.

Musk said that, Four Starships again, the last of V1 means, there are still four Starship vehicles that have to go through the testing phase before SpaceX switches to the second version.

From theSpace explored report, the remaining four top stages of Starship are vehicles numbered 28, 29, 30, and 32. Number 31 is available and has been assembled, but moved to Starbase Rocket Park, SpaceX port and launch pad.

It is not yet known whether the four ships for the Starship will be used, but the 28 ship has been moved to High Bay, where the Starship assembly takes place. The ship is being upgraded to its heat shield.

Meanwhile, the second version of the vehicle will bring some new changes. In the latest version, this vehicle can accommodate more propellants, reduce dry masses, and become more reliable than the previous version.

Changes in Starship vehicles aren't really anything new. Starship already has a lot of problems this year and it's likely SpaceX will improve the design of the vehicle.

One of the changes that was discussed was an optimized machine. Some time ago, Starship was planned to have nine machines with six machines optimized using the vacuum at the bottom.

Meanwhile, Starship will have room at the bottom that will be used to install three additional machines. However, all of these talks are still discourse and there is no certainty from SpaceX.


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