JAKARTA - Since the announcement of the first patient infected with the corona virus in Indonesia. Hoax news related to COVID-19 continues to emerge on social media and instant messaging services.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) notes that currently it has identified 147 hoax news and information related to the corona virus. This information spread quickly, after two Indonesian citizens were positively infected with the corona virus.

"The identification of the circulation of the corona virus hoax has been carried out since January 23, 2020, where a chain message was found that was spread through social media and instant message platforms. On average, hoax findings related to the corona virus identified and validated by the Ministry of Communication and Information were four to six hoaxes each. day, "said Ferdinandus in his written statement.

The man who is familiarly called Nando said that the findings of hoax news and information related to COVID-19 were spread in a number of cities, such as Jakarta, Depok, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya to Banda Aceh. The type of information disseminated includes infected patients and places prone to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Kominfo also urges netizens to participate in monitoring the spread of information about the Corona virus. If you get information that is suspected of being hoax, disinformation or fake news, you can report it to aduankonten.id, WhatsApp message on 0811 922 4545 or email [email protected].

The following is the Ministry of Communication and Information's records on March 2, 2020, regarding the hoax of the corona virus, including:

1. Trapped by Corona Virus, Australian Couple Ordering Wine Using Drones (disinformation)

2. After the Corona Virus, Now the Zika Virus which is Very Dangerous in Indonesia Appears (hoax)

3. A Rainbow Appears When Spraying Corona Virus Disinfectant (disinformation)

4. Mass Burial of Corona Virus Victims (disinformation)

5.Holi Festival Goods Made in China Infected with Corona Virus (hoax)

6. RSMH Palembang Caring for One Corona Virus Suspect Patient (disinformation)

7. Indonesian Congregation Rejected by Saudi Arabia for Positive Corona (hoax)

8.Vitamin D is Effective in Preventing Corona Virus Infection (disinformation)

9. Corona Already in Indonesia, Therefore Saudi Arabia Stops Indonesian Umrah Pilgrims (disinformation)

10. Information from the Ministry of Health Regarding 6 Corona Virus Yellow Zone Cities in Indonesia (hoax)

11. Photos Related to Articles about the emergence of a mysterious disease in Africa (disinformation)

12. Corona Virus Has Entered Palu (disinformation)

13. Comparison between the Blood of People Infected with Corona Virus and Healthy People (disinformation)

14. Already Entered Indonesia, 136 Corona Patients Under Supervision (disinformation)

15. Pope Francis Positive Coronavirus (disinformation)

16. Woman in China Injected to Death of Corona Virus (disinformation)

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