JAKARTA - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) presented the drone T-600 in an annual military exercise called the Robotic Experiment and Prototype Making with the Unmanned Maritime System (REPMUS).

Demonstrated by BAE Systems and Malloey Aeronautics in Portugal, T-600 demonstrated its capabilities by releasing Sting Ray, a torpedo produced by GEC-Marconi weighing 267 kilograms.

During its exhibition at the bigNATO event, BAE Systems and Malloey Aeronautics showed that the droneT-600 with unmanned aerial system (UAS) capabilities has been integrated with the latest maritime technology.

"This is a tremendous achievement in our collaboration with Malloy and a sign of our shared ambition to bring new capabilities to our customers," said BAE Systems Air Sustainable Electric Product Head Neil Appleton.

According to data from BAE Systems, T-600 is capable of carrying a cargo weighing 200 kilograms. This figure is clearly smaller than the weight of the torpedo they are transporting. The reason is, since it was first purchased by BAE Systems, the weight of this torpedo is almost 300 kilograms.

DroneT-600 is capable of taking off and landing vertically despite its speed of 140 kilometers per hour. Droneini is also able to reach a distance of up to 80 kilometers. However, this distance depends on the load it carries.

Although the T-600 photo shared by BAE Systems on its official website looks small, the opposite is true. This electric-powered unmanned aircraft is quite large, the size of a small car. Interestingly, the T-600 can be easily dismantled as a means of transportation.

As an aircraft with the UAS system, the T-600 can be launched quickly and easily transportable. According to the Head of the BAE Systems Maritime Service Maritime Weapons Dave Quick, the T-600 is capable of keeping its crew from danger.

With this capability, the UAS system is considered quite important so that UAS is able to increase the role of anti-submarine warfare (ASW) together with helicopters and ASAW surface ships.

Meanwhile, Malloey Aeronautics CEO Oriol Badia said that he and BAE Systems had succeeded in building a drone that reduced logistics burdens and increased operating tempo in a short time and low cost.

For information, T-600 is a replacement for the T-150 which is also built with the UAS system. Although the T-600 is considered the best development in BAE and Malloey cooperation, both plan to design the latest UAS model.

T-600 is just demonstrators designed as developers as well as validation which will be applied to T-650. The DroneT-650 itself will be designed with a faster reconfiguration so that it can be used for military, commercial and humanitarian purposes.

BAE Systems and Malloey are already working on the T-650 program at FalconWorks, BAE's research and development center. There is no clear news yet when this T-650 was actually designed to finally replace the role of T-600.


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