YOGYAKARTA Recently Meta launched a new WhatsApp feature in the form of Screen Sharing or Screen Sharing. This feature adds to the experience for users, especially in video calls. This new feature is available that iPhone and Android users can enjoy. Then, how to share WA screen on iPhone and other phones?

The news of the share screen feature in WA has actually been circulating widely since the end of May. However, this feature can only be used globally starting Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 20.58 WIB.

In general, this WA share screen feature with services available at other popular video conferencings such as the Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams applications. It's just that to be able to connect with other users is enough by calling the participant number via WhatsApp.

Before using the share screen feature, it is recommended to update WhatsApp first. This process can be done through the Appstore. After installing the latest version of WhatsApp, users can start using this new feature.

The share screen button will appear when the user makes a video call via WhatsApp with another user. When the button appears, the user can directly click the button to share the screen or content that is opened by one of the video call participants.

The way to share the WA screen on the iPhone is as follows.

This new WA screen sharing feature is available on WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business for mobile phones with the iOS, Android, to Windows Desktop operating system. In addition, this feature can only be activated as long as the user makes a video call.

WA users should also know that this new feature is available for the iPhone in the WhatsApp version of the 23.15.78 version. Meanwhile, on Android it is already available in the WhatsApp application version If you have updated WA but the feature is not yet available, users are expected to be more patient because the feature has only been distributed in stages across users.

This WA share screen feature helps users to present various documents such as Word, PDF, to images and videos. This feature is also

That's information regarding how to share WA screen on iPhone. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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