JAKARTA - TikTok will soon label content produced by Artificial Intelligence (AI), following Instagram which is developing a similar feature.

First reported by app researcher Matt Navarra, who discovered the AI-made content switch appeared under other options before uploading the video.

This new feature must be activated by users if they upload AI-based content, a notification will appear where the label helps prevent content removal.

TikTok now let's add AI-generated content labels to your videos And warns you must disclose AI-generated contentOr risk having your content taken down pic.twitter.com/SgCqPnDjkS

In March, TikTok also updated its content policy to require users to disclose deepfakes and content generated by AI in video captions or use identification stickers.

Currently, the switch seems to be still in the development stage and has only been tested on a small number of users.

For information, Instagram also creates the exact feature with TikTok where users must apply the label to the content generated by AI.

The label will help them differentiate between the photos produced by AI and the original. This feature will of course help, both company and user, to curb misinformation.

And ease user concerns about the negative impact of generative AI. Meta will also ask its content creators to add markers created by AI to posts they upload from other tools. This was quoted from The Verge, Thursday, August 10.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)