JAKARTA - YouTube has begun changing how users view recommended videos based on their Watch History settings.

Currently, video recommendations rely on Watch History data to show relevant content. However, users can now disable their Watch History.

That way, they'll see a mostly empty homepage with just a search bar and side menu.

"Starting today, your home feed may look completely different. You will be able to see a search bar and guide menu on the left, without recommended video feeds," YouTube said in its official announcement, quoted Wednesday, August 9.

"Thus allowing you to more easily browse, explore subscribed channels and browse the Topics tab instead."

The new experience, YouTube says, rolls out to make it clear which platform features rely on Watch History to provide video recommendations and make it simpler for users who like to browse rather than look for recommendations.

"You can change your YouTube watch history settings at any time based on whether or not you'd prefer us to recommend videos," explains YouTube.

These changes will slowly roll out over the next few months to YouTube users globally.

How to Disable Watch History

1. Open your YouTube, click on Profile in the top right corner.

2. Select Manage All Watch History.

3. Click the Email Account that you are using, then select the Control menu.

4. Then, click the Deactivate column, then select Pause.

5. After all, your Watch History on YouTube will not be enabled and YouTube will not show you recommended videos based on your Watch History.

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