JAKARTA - It's nothing new if all companies in various sectors, especially technology, are currently intensively integrating the company's capabilities with Generative AI. Google is currently focusing on increasing its AI.
It was discovered that Google is now launching a new feature for its search engine, called the Grammar Check, which is powered by artificial intelligence (AI).
According to the findings of dai 9to5google, with this feature, Google will correct your phrases or sentences, and rewrite the sentences by highlighting what has been changed or corrected. This includes correcting masking.
How to use it is also quite easy, based on the screenshots shared, it is shown that you only need to write the sentences you want to correct, then add a grammar check query or check grammar behind the sentence.
This feature seems to be only available in English. Google has not confirmed this new feature directly. But, when VOI tries it directly, this feature may not be usable yet. Maybe this feature hasn't rolled out widely.
Recently, Google has also added a new feature of images and videos to the Search Creative Experience (SGE) empowered by the company's Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In fact, Google will overhaul the capabilities of its assistant, Google Assistant, and choose to focus their work on exploring Generative AI in the future.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)