Easy! Here's How To Turn Off Notifications In PS5
How to turn off PS5 notifications (photo: Sony)

JAKARTA - Notifications or notifications are very useful for smartphones and other devices connected to the internet, to serve as a reminder of something.

But sometimes, the number of notifications that come in often interferes with your activities. Fortunately, you can set notifications that go to your device, including on PlayStation 5.

Because Sony has made it very easy to adjust which notifications you want to receive when playing games and streaming. So you will only receive important notifications related to games.

The following is a tutorial on how to turn off notifications on PlayStation 5..

Next, scroll to various options in this menu to select which notifications will appear, and you can also decide whether you just want to block notifications for a certain time, such as when you stream or watch videos, or block that notification forever.

In addition, you can also decide if you want to see when your friends are online and decide which friends will receive the notification.

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