Revue Acquisition, Twitter Promises Monetation Services For Authors
Twitter (Photo by Pixabay on Pexels)

JAKARTA - As a social media, Twitter has users from various circles. This includes scholars who consist of writers, journalists, and experts in certain fields.

To accommodate the needs of users from various backgrounds, Twitter also develops services in various areas. And yesterday, Tuesday 26 January, the company announced the acquisition of Revue, a platform that provides e-mail services focused on newsletters.

Through uploads on the official blog, this platform will help increase the social network of every writer, media, to journalist.

"Revue can accelerate our work to help users stay informed of their choice while providing all writers with steps to monetize their readers," wrote Twitter on the official blog, Tuesday, January 26.

The company realizes that its social media has a strong community of writers and readers. So, according to the company, it's time to increase the commitment to make it easier for content creators to connect with their followers and customers.

Tampilan platform Revue (Twitter)

Unfortunately, Twitter has not explained how the Revue service is integrated into the social media platform. But the company is considering offering several newsletter models, including paid newsletters.

"We envision a lot of things for this service (Revue), from freeing users to follow the newsletter from the authors they follow, to new arrangements for writers to have conversations with customers," explained Twitter.

In time, paid newsletters can help writers and other content creators monetize their tweets. So that it can encourage production to be more exclusive on social media.

"Hopefully, user-based monetation will be an area for which support services will continue to be developed," said Twitter.

The Verge noted, meanwhile, Revuew will be a separate service. It's just that Twitter will change the Revue Pro service to be free for all users. While waiting for support services to be created, Revue will later be integrated into the Twitter platform.

Share Value Increases 6 Percent

This is not the first Twitter acquisition that Twitter will make in 2021. Earlier in January, the company confirmed it had acquired the Breaker platform, a podcast app that focuses on social interactions.

The company hopes that the Breaker development team will help Twitter create and improve the Twitter Space service, a new feature that offers real-time audio conversations.

And after the company announced its acquisition of Revue, Twitter's share value immediately increased to 6 percent. And although Twitter is reluctant to share the value of the acquisition, it is estimated that Revue will become one of the company's mainstays in producing a healthier and cleaner environment from misinformation.

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