JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) suddenly canceled the 2.3 GHz frequency auction. Whereas previously, this auction process had reached the announcement of the winner.

The auction winners for the 2.3 GHz frequency in the 2,360-2,390 MHz range are Telkomsel, Hutchinson 3 Indonesia (Tri) and Smartfren. Each will receive a network block in preparation for fifth generation (5G) technology.

"We hereby announce that the process of selecting users of 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Bands in the range of 2,360 - 2,390 MHz for the purpose of organizing cellular mobile networks, which will be announced for the opening on 20 November 2020 through Press Release No. declared to have stopped the process, "said a press release from the Ministry of Communication and Information, Saturday, January 23.

Acting Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Ferdinandus Setu, explained that the termination of the selection process was taken as a precautionary and careful step. In particular, Government Regulation Number 80 of 2015.

"This decision was made in order to align every part of the selection process with the provisions of laws and regulations relating to Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) in the Kominfo environment," explained the announcement of Kominfo.

With the termination of the 2.3 GHz radio frequency auction process. Kominfo has returned the selection participation guarantee document (bid bond) to representatives of the relevant auction selection participants, namely Telkomsel, Smartfren, and Hutchison Tri Indonesia.

"With the termination of the selection process, the results of the selection process have been carried out and announced transparently to the public, including on December 15, 2020 through Press Release Number 171 / HM / KOMINFO / 12/2020 and on December 18, 2020 via Broadcast. Press Number 173 / HM / KOMINFO / 12/2020, declared canceled, "wrote Kominfo.

Previously reported, the government has announced the winner of the 2.3 Ghz frequency band management. The 2.3 Ghz frequency band network, which is vulnerable to 2,360-2,390 Mhz, can be used in the development of 5G services in Indonesia.

Each operator received one network block A, B and C. The areas that were won by the three included a number of areas such as Jakarta, Banten, Bogor, Riau Islands, to Maluku and North Maluku.

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