5 Cara Cek CCTV Online Jalan Tol, Pantau Arus Mudik Dan Arus Balik Secara Real-Time
CCTV illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

YOGYAKARTA For travelers who want to return to their hometown via toll roads, it's a good idea to know how to check toll road online CCTV. This is useful for monitoring traffic flow in real-time so that you can avoid traffic jams.

How to check toll road online CCTV can be done with a smartphone. Of course, you must ensure that the internet network is always connected so that you can monitor traffic conditions on toll roads.

Here are 5 ways to check toll road CCTV to monitor the flow of homecoming and the backflow of Eid 2023:

1. Through the Travoy application

The Travoy application is a special application made by PT Jasa Marga (Persero) to monitor the flow of Eid Al-Fitr 2023 homecoming.

This application is called Travoy because it contains information about the most complete Indonesian tonne roads and real-time recara updates.

Here's how to check toll road online CCTV through the Travoy application:

2. Through the BPJT page

How to check the second toll road online CCTV is through the official website of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT).

Please note, BPJT is an institution authorized to hold toll roads in Indonesia.

Here's how to monitor CCTV homecoming flow at BPJT:

3. Through our Toll Road application

How to check toll road online CCTV can also be done through our Toll Road application. Here are the steps:

4. Through the official website of Bina Marga

To find out the flow of traffic on toll roads, you can also monitor it through the official website of PT Jasa Marga (Persero).

Jasa Marga merupakan pengembang dan operator jalan Tol pertama serta terbesar di Indonesia.

The following are the steps to monitor toll road CCTV during homecoming and backflow on the official Bina Marga website.

5. Through the official website of RTTMC

How to check the last toll road online CCTV, can be done via the RTTMC (Road Transport and Traffic Management Center) website.

This is a service provided by the Directorate General of Land Transportation (Ditjen Hubdat)

How to check toll road online CCTV via the RTTMC website, namely:

This is information about how to check toll road online CCTV to monitor the flow of homecoming and the backflow of Lebaran 2023. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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