JAKARTA - Google has changed its policy again by removing the file creation limit in Google Cloud, after being protested by its users.

Early February this year, the company began quietly restricting the storage of 5 million files on all Google Drive users, even though they had already paid for extra storage.

Not a few users protested by Google changing its policies without providing them with information first.

Now, Google announced it has canceled the restrictions and admits it is updating the system to the limits of the items created to maintain stability and optimize performance.

In fact, Google said, the restrictions had only an impact on a small number of users, where they are now exploring alternative approaches to ensuring stable performance.

"Recently we launched a system update on Drive's item limits to maintaining stability and optimizing performance. Although this has only had an impact on a small number of people, we canceled this change as we explore alternative approaches to ensuring an extraordinary experience for everyone," tweeted @googledrive.

"If we need to make changes, we will communicate them to users first," he added.

Previously reported, the 5 million files were not included in files shared to Drive by other users, so they could host more files as long as they weren't the original creators.

One proof of when a Reddit user with the username r/google has seven million files on Drive with a 2TB storage package.

However, when he wanted to upload a file to his account, he then received a notification of a failed upload and directive to delete files before they could continue creating new files.

Initially, the user thought it was a bug. However, Google finally confirmed where the limit was already in place.

Quoted from Ars Technica, Wednesday, April 5, five million files with one file measuring 400KB will take up 20GB of storage, and 30TB of storage can easily be equated with billions of files.

In other words, some users can pay for more storage than they can actually use, unless they choose to compress their files into the media folder.

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