JAKARTA - Cybersecurity expert Kaspersky has discovered a new malware called Emotet, which aims to access foreign devices and spy on sensitive personal data.

It was also mentioned that this type of malware usually uses file pumping that makes infected MS office files bigger, such as 500MB, making it harder to detect by cybersecurity solutions.

To help businesses stay protected from similar Emotets and botnets, experts suggest that organizations take the following action as soon as possible:

First, don't download doubtful attachments from spam emails or click on suspicious links. If you're not sure if the email is fake, avoid taking risks, and call the sender.

After that, it would be better if you delete the file immediately. So, this way you will not let Emotet penetrate your computer.

Second, make sure to install a complete program of virus protection and malware and scan your computer regularly for each vulnerability. This will give you the best protection against the latest viruses, spyware, and more.

Lastly, make sure your software is updated, including any operating system and software apps, (the attacker exploits loopholes in programs widely used to gain access to entry).

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