JAKARTA - In accordance with US President Joe Biden's speech earlier this year about the need for tighter restrictions regarding personal data, Mozilla launched a new Total Cookie Protection (TCP), which was used to block site traffic tracking on Firefox Android.

Today, we announced the official launch of one of our strongest privacy features, Total Cookie Protection, to automatically block cross-site tracking on Firefox Android, the company said in the official Mozilla blog.

Launched for Windows, Mac and Linux last year, this new TCP feature allows Firefox to automatically stop tracking cookies on your Android smartphone web.

The total Cookie Protection works by maintaining separate jar cookies' for each website you visit. Whenever a website, or third-party content is embedded on a website, save cookies in your browser, Firefox Android limits the cookies to the cookies set to the website," Mozilla wrote further.

Thus, Firefox ensures that there will be no more websites that can reach cookies that don't belong to them and find out what other website cookies know about you.

"Now, you can say goodbye to the annoying ads that follow you and reduce the amount of information the company collects about you every time you go online," he continued.

Using this feature, Firefox will limit cookies to the site where they were created, thus preventing tracking companies from using these cookies to track your browsing from one site to another.

To work smoothly across your device, you need to register Firefox Accounts first for free. After that, you will be able to easily take the last open tab between your devices.

As an additional bonus, Mozilla will give you free access to saved passwords from your other devices by registering for a free Firefox Account.

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