JAKARTA - The Huawei Cloud has officially launched the Metaverse Alliance and Web3 in an effort to accelerate the adoption of Web3 technology in Asia-Pacific. The Chinese tech giant has partnered with several blockchain players, including Block Chain Solutions, Deepchain Chain,men's Labs, and Polygon, to lay a solid foundation for Web3 infrastructure and facilitate its adoption in the region.

The Metaverse and Web3 Alliance was officially announced by Huawei Cloud at the Huawei Cloud Asia-Pacific Partner Leadership Summit held in Bali, Indonesia, on February 23. The event was attended by large companies and customers from the Asia-Pacific region, including China Telecom. Huawei Cloud presented its initiative to demonstrate its commitment to Web3 technology.

Huawei Cloud is determined to encourage the adoption of Web3 technology with a solution, and the Metaverse and Web3 alliance is expected to be a strong foundation for Web3 infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, Huawei Cloud is still partnering with several blockchain players such asUS Labs, Polygon, and others, while many more will join.

Tencent, China's largest gaming company, also announced its business on Web3 and partnered with Ankr, Avalanche, and others to drive Web3 technology adoption in the region. Tencent has launched products such as the metaverse-in-a-box and other solutions. The giant company is also one of Huawei Cloud's main competitors in the race to gain a Web3 market share in the Asia-Pacific region.

Huawei Cloud hopes to overtake Tencent in regional dominance in the Asia-Pacific region. However, the company has not shared further details about the agreement and future initiatives. However, Huawei Cloud is committed to working with the Metaverse and Web3 alliances to encourage Web3 technology adoption and lay a solid foundation for Web3 infrastructure in the region.

BAT Labs, one of the main partners in the Huawei Cloud Metaverse and Web3 alliances, has been a simplification of Web3 development. They are working to accelerate Web3's success by simplifying blockchain development and integration into apps and company solutions. In the near future, we will see how this alliance can catalyze Web3 technology adoption and build a solid foundation for Web3 infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.

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