JAKARTA - Gance, a smart lock screen platform that has been launched since 2019 announced its achievement with 30 million monthly active users (Monthly Active User) in Indonesia during the Glance Unlocked 2023 event on Friday, February 24 yesterday.

To further improve the user experience of its smart lock screen, Glance also plans to launch its own LIVE platform, Roposo, in Indonesia in the coming quarters.

After launching in Indonesia, Roposo will add creator-based live premium content in the lock screen to the Glance offerings. This will provide many creators, different opportunities for monetization, broad range, and unique interactions that take advantage of Indonesia's love for live content.

Glance also plans to offer more games and live games streaming action, backed by game platform Nostra, which presents a wide range of experiences for gamers to be able to find, play, watch, connect and compete.

Indonesia's creative economy growth is Glance's top priority. With Nostra's expansion and Roposo's launch plan, we want to have a significant impact on the national game industry and the creator ecosystem," said Dalip Shahri, Director of Market Development Glance Indonesia in Jakarta.

Roposo Becomes a Glance Step to Realize the Vision of HYPERLIVE

The launch of Roposo in Indonesia will be a testament to Glance's small step in achieving its vision of becoming a HYPERLIVE platform. When talking exclusively to VOI, Dalip said that HYPERLIVE will experience advanced and premium live broadcasts that provide the most authentic and happening moments in real time to users.

"Why is HYPERLIVE? Because we really believe that the future of content creators will be authentic, it will be more interesting. When you make an ordinary short video, it's too passive to consume. But in live, it's no longer a one-way broadcast, but it will be a two-way interaction, between creators and millions of fans," said InMobi Group Co-founder and President & COO Glance, Piyash Shah to VOI.

How to Monetize Creators in Roposo

Furthermore, when asked more deeply about the way monetization can be done by creators on this Roposo live platform, Piyush said, maybe creators can open paid exclusive classes or through advertisements.

Creator benefits? We think that creators can get income and profit or maybe career path, when they can teach hundreds of people something. They can also make more money with advertising, or they can make money from master class, "explained Piyush.

"For example, maybe initially you can hold free classes, but if you have more (many fans) you can join the master class for additional costs. So that's very possible," he continued.

Di sisi lain, Glance juga berencana untuk memiliki 2 hingga 3 kemitraan strategis yang mendalam dengan media besar untuk membantu mereka memanfaatkan Glance Lock Screen untuk interaksi yang lebih dekat dengan audien mereka.

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