JAKARTA - The Bitcoin NFT collection has come to great attention in the Web3 community. There are more than 48,000 Inscriptions that have been printed on the Bitcoin network. The NFT collection above this network has begun to be glimpsed by many collectors and investors.

In this article, there are 5 collections of Bitcoin Ordinary that are most attractive and valuable, so you will not miss important information about the most interesting developments in the history of Non-Fungible Token digital art, especially Bitcoin NFT.

The following is a list of the 5 most popular Bitcoin NFTs for you to consider before buying!

Ordinary Punks is an NFT collection of only 100 NFTs printed in the first 650 Inscriptions on the Bitcoin network. This collection is a tribute to CryptoPunks. This NFT collection consists of a generating image created with an open-source algorithm by Web3 pseudonym creator FlowStay.

Because of Bitcoin infrastructure, users have to operate full Bitcoin nodes to create an Inscription. Offers and requests for Ordinary Punks are made on Google Sheet run by FlowStay, and project creators are used asgroups on Discord.

Currently, the lowest bid is at 3.7 BTC/51.26 ETH (nearly $84,000 or equivalent to Rp1.3 billion), and the highest price requested for Ordinary Punk 78 is 50 BTC/692.66 ETH ($1,132,500 or Rp17.3 billion).

Taproot Wizards is a hand-drawn NFT Wizards collection created by independent Web3 developer Udi Wertheimer. This collection starts from Inscription 652. The collection is claimed to have made history in Bitcoin networks because it is the largest block and transaction in Bitcoin history with 4MB size. Only a few Taproot Wizards are written on Bitcoin, and the project's ID Wizard verification page in Discord only confirms six of them: Inscription 1,107, 1,383, 2,637, and 2,625.

Bitcoin Rock is an NFT collection inspired by Ether Rocks, one of the first NFT collection projects on the Ethereum network. The collection is limited to 100 and created by ordrocks. The NFT collection is listed as much as 1,000 BTC/13,858 ETH (more than 22 million US dollars or Rp334.7 billion). The current bid price is 2.7 BTC/37.42 ETH (nearly 61,000 or Rp928 million).

The Collectible Timechain is a set of watches in various shapes with a very limited scarcity level. There are only 21 watches in this collection, and all of them are printed in one block with sequential INDIC number 356-377, reported NFT Now.

The scarcity rate in this collection varies from Eight Hours Saku to Grandpa's Hour. The auction for NFT was held at the Discord project with Inscription 364 (Timechain Collectible #6) which sells for 3.08 BTC/43.59 ETH (67,000 US dollars or around Rp1 billion).

Ordinary Loops is a group of Bitcoin Inscriptions with the lowest number, starting from Inscription 452. Among its collections, there is an NFT or a digital art object called Object 0, which is one of seven similar animations that form the first series of the planned three series. Object 0 represents the narration chapter of the current project called "Do Not Fiat," which features Bitcoin ASCII against five major government currencies.

Discord Ordinary Loops announced that collectors can only get this collection through auctions, and there are no direct purchase opportunities. The price of NFT in this collection varies, with Object 0 selling for 5,935 US dollars (Rp820 million), Object 1 for 12,439 US dollars (Rp189 million), Object 2 for 17,458 US dollars (Rp265 million), and Object 3 for selling for 91,178 US dollars (Rp1.3 billion).

Demikian 5 NFT Bitcoin terpopular. Pantauan terus VOI.id untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut terkait perkembangan cryptocurrency dan NFT terbaru!

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