JAKARTA - Today, February 14 to be precise, some people are celebrating Valentine's Day with their loved ones, wherever they are.

The commemoration of this day of affection also encourages everyone to seek inspiration for what to do or what to give to their loved ones.

As the world's largest search company, Google summarizes some interesting browsing trends related to Valentine's Day each year. Here's the trend:

Kencaning Night Idea

Tracing for the "dating night idea" hit record highs as the most searched for topic this year. But dating activities are slightly different across the US.

Do people I like like like me?

The question "Did the person I love like likes me?" and "how to make the person I love like likes me?" are the two top questions about love that is most sought after.

Karanggan Bunga

In addition to dating night ideas, the search for wreaths is also one of the highest topics.

When to Break Up

In contrast to the previous search which symbolizes affection, Google got the keyword "When to break up" three times more than "when to apply".

Heart-shaped Foods

Identical with love, it must not be separated from the symbol of the heart either. Regarding that, Google gets a heart-shaped 'Pizza', a heart-shaped cake' and a heart-shaped 'pasta' is the most searched food with this love symbol model.

Not to be outdone, a heart-shaped hat query near me also rose more than 300% in early February.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)