JAKARTA - Many new fraud modes have recently occurred. One of them is fake accounts on social media that offer game vouchers or top ups at very cheap prices.

As a result of his lack of vigilance, the victim who is already excited and does not check the seller's account will immediately pay via transfer. Unfortunately, the fraudster will disappear along with the money sent from the victim.

Citing the Study of Increasing Digital Security Competence in Indonesia: Analysis of the Phenomenon of Fraud with Social Engineering Techniques from the Center for Digital Society, Gadjah Mada University, fraud that occurs in cyberspace often uses social engineering techniques or psychological manipulation

This technique looks for loopholes in the weaknesses of people who are easy to trust and deceived. One of the ways for victims to be deceived is the low level of digital literacy in society regarding security when using digital technology.

Game voucher fraud through social media can actually be avoided as long as users are vigilant. GoPay, one of the digital payments in Indonesia, shares simple tips for gamers and the general public to avoid fraud.

First, users are asked not to transact outside the game application. Top up diamonds with official payments, such as GoPay via the Google Play application.

Second, secure personal data, avoid sharing personal information freely with others. Do not share data such as the name of the biological mother, one-time password (OTP) code, password and date of birth.

Third, use a PIN or biometric authentication when making transactions. Turn on features like fingerprint recognition or face scanners on your phone.

Finally, if you detect anything strange or even a suspicious account, don't hesitate to report it via the official help page.

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