YOGYAKARTA Recently Android users received an update to their latest operating system, namely Android 13. Although it was launched in 2022, Google's most new OS is still a mainstay in 2023. So what are the advantages of Android 13 which are currently available?

Because it is the newest OS, Android 13 offers a variety of new features, of course some of which are not owned by Android 12. Internally, the name Android 13 coded Android Tiramisu was launched in August 2022.

One of the interesting advantages offered by Android 13 is that users allow using different languages in different applications by setting up in the settings section. In addition, the safety features are certainly better than the previous generation. The following is a list of Android 13 excesses.

In terms of appearance, Android 13 provides a lot of costume. In addition, this new OS also gives advantages to language settings and improvements to privacy control.

The customization of Material You UI allows users to change the theme and color of the application to adjust the color wallpaper applied. Not only that, users can also use different languages in different applications.

Wallpaper on Android 13 also allows color management. For example, rainbow wallpapers can be slightly embezzled until they are completely dark.

Android 13 provides another advantage in terms of security. Users no longer need to give the app full access to the gallery when asking permission. Even users can choose which photos or videos the app can selectively detect.

For example, when photos or videos are spilled on the WhatsApp application, the two media can only be shared through the same application.

You can customize the application icon with the theme that the user has applied to the phone. When this feature is applied, all application icons on the cellphone will change according to the cellphone theme. However, this feature can be activated or not.

Users of wide sailing devices such as tablets or Chromebooks can be happy. Because Android 13 can be used on wide sailing devices. Even Android 13 comes for Android TV. This application is certainly quite fun considering that the previous generation of Androids in the device sailed wide are different from ordinary smartphones.

Although this feature is not too tight, it is important to pay attention to considering that mobile phone users often copy sensitive data such as cell phone numbers, emails, and passwords. Android 13 will remove the cluster history within a certain period of time.

Android 13 enhances audio side performance by adopting Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) which makes latency lower than classical audio. In addition, the upgrade also allows for more sync audio with voice sources and prevents sound delays. Audio on Android 13 also supports multi-streams between multiple bluetooth devices together.

The Android 13 feature that is also interesting is the existence of copy-paste features on image content, text, links, and videos. This means that users can copy content without having to download it first so as to save memory and shorten time.

Multitasking ability on mobile phones is very important to support usage. On Android 13, there are additional multitasking capabilities and can be felt on tablets or other big screens.

Matches related to the advantages of Android 13 are often asked by some users. To get other information, visit VOI.ID.

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