Twitter Now Can Show How Many People Seeing Your Tweets
Examples of views of the number of views on Twitter (photo: Dinda Buana/VOI)

JAKARTA - Twitter has now released a new feature to see the number of tweets. How it works is similar to the viewing system on YouTube, where we can see how many tweets we see.

"Twitter launched the View Count, so you can see how many times a tweet has been viewed! This is normal for videos," tweeted Twitter owner Elon Musk on Thursday, December 22.

According to him, this feature can be used how Twitter is more alive, because even though it rarely interacts via reply, mention, and so on, users only prefer to read tweets.

"Shows how Twitter is more lively than it looks, as more than 90% of Twitter users read, but don't tweet, reply, or like, because it's a public act," Musk added.

According to VOI's monitoring when you click on one of your tweets, the number of tweet shows is right above the Reply logo, mention, like, and share. There, you can see how many times your tweet is viewed.

Additionally, if you click the "See Analytic Tweet" tab, which is just above the number of views, you'll see wider tweet activity ranging from the number of views, engagement, new followers, detailed expansion, and profile visits.

In addition, inverse application researcher Nima Owji shows another Twitter feature that allows us to be able to see the number of other people's tweets, and vice versa.

However, not all users have access to this feature, as launches take time to reach all users. This feature is currently only available on iOS and Android, with web functionality expected to be available soon.

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