JAKARTA - Gopay's transfer to Funds is very easy. Only a few clicks can be done. But if Dana's cash withdrawal at Alfarmart, what? Check out the following reviews.

Currently Dana does not have a cash withdrawal service at the minimarket. There are only those who go to the bank. So if you can withdraw cash through an ATM machine. Even though it's not real yet, why do many say that you have withdrawn funds through Alfamart, now, this is the problem.

There is a special trick to be able to withdraw cash at Alfamart. Although there is no service there. Yes, and the method is very simple. The condition is also easy. For those who usually use Funds, this is cool and must be tried. As reported by the website www.tedieka.com below:

Cash Pull Terms

There are conditions that must be met before cash withdrawal. Easy way, for example, you must have.

Ok, if it already exists, then it can be continued to several stages below.

How to Pull Funds at Alfamart

There are several stages that must be gone through to be able to withdraw cash in minimarkets. Because Dana and Alfamart have been connected. So, you can go directly there. This method is very easy. So it doesn't take long for you to be able to do it.

Step First: Open Fund Application

This is mandatory, but if you don't have it, please download it first, then log in to the account with the existing username and password.

If it is already in the fund account, proceed to the second step.

Second Step: Cashout

This stage will determine. After entering the application, please go to the 'cashout' menu from here, it is set to take the money.

Still in the cashout menu, please choose Alfamart as a place to take the money. If you have clicked process. This process is only a few seconds. Usually it doesn't take up to a minute, except when the network is in error.

Step three: Take Token

When the process is complete, a token will appear in the form of a number combination. Make sure this token is not known to others.

Because this token is very secret. This token only lasts 5 minutes, meaning after 5 minutes it will expire. Take the token by clicking the show token later a new token will appear.

Fourth Step: Disbursement

Bring the Token to Alfamart and show it to the cashier. Wait a minute until the withdrawal is processed. A minimum withdrawal of 50 thousand. A little tips, it would be better to process taking tokens at Alfamart itself.

That's the information regarding how to take cash at Alfamart from the Fund application. Hopefully this information will be useful for all of us.

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