Submarines became popular in naval warfare during the World War period. Steam-powered submarines are used for battle in the famous American Revolution and also the 1812 War between the US and Britain. Then what are the largest submarines in the world?

The earliest submarines were operated manually and very slowly, but not until the first nuclear-powered USS Nautilus was launched in 1955. Since then, it has become the deadliest striker ship, reaching speeds of 25 to 35 knots.

Currently, submarines are an important part of any country's naval fleet. They act as nuclear deterrents and are used for surveillance and patrol operations in territorial waters. Below are the 10 best submarines in the world, which are ranked by length.

Typhoon Class Russia/ Project 941 Akula Class

The nuclear giant was built by the Russian Soviets in the 1960s and 70s to confront the US and its allies in the ongoing cold war. Larger than the combined three football fields, they are full of extraordinary features such as swimming pools, golf courses. The typhoon-class submarine is 566 feet long, 76 m wide and reaches an altitude of 38 m with a displacement of more than 48,000 tons.

They are equipped with 20 large R-39 'Rif' intercontinental ballistic missiles, also known as SS-N-20 Sturgeon. These powerful weapons are 53 feet long and 8 feet wide. Denoted as the largest submarine ever built, they are also equipped with RSM-52 missiles and an efficient magneto hydrostatic propulsion system to launch a silent but strong attack on their enemy.

Borei-Class Russia/ Project 955 Borei

The fourth generation of Borei are the first class submarines built by Russia since the end of the Soviet Union regime. They are meant to replace the class Delta III, IV submarines and the old typhoons and serve the Russian Navy forces.

Designed by the Rubin Marine Equipment Bureau, they were installed on the Sevmash Shipyard. The first ballistic missile submarine of this class was Yury Dolgoruky which was launched in 2008. Eight submarines with different hull designs were built as part of this program.

Ohio-Class, United States

The third largest in the world, Ohio-class submarines were commissioned to the US navy between 1977 and 1998. Each Ohio-class submarine is equipped with 24 Trident II missiles, with a range of about 12,000 kilometers. Therefore they have a larger missile carrier capacity than Russia's Typhoon and Borei class submarines. They have a displacement of 18,750 tons, four decks, room to accommodate 90 crew members, Lockhead Martin's sonar processing system, pressure water reactors and two turbines.

All eighteen submarines are equipped with eight launchers, four 533 millimeter torpedo tubes and a mk118 digital fire control system. They were awarded more than 50% of thermo-nuclear weapons owned by the US. The torpedo range is up to fifty kilometers with a depth of 3000 feet.

Delta Class, Russia

Class Delta consists of a series of ballistic missile submarines that formed the runway of the Russian submarine fleet in the 1970s. Consisting of four subclasses namely Delta I, II, III and IV with a length of 167 m and a width of 12.5 m.

The Delta I submarine carries 12 missiles and patrols the Norwegian sea and the Barents Sea. To improve its accuracy, they are equipped with a Tobol-B and a cyclone-B navigation system. About 18 of these class submarines were built under the project name 667B Murena. However, all ships from this class were disabled in 1998 and abolished in 2005.

Oscar Class Russia/ Project 949 A Antey

The 949 Antey project belonging to the Oscar class cruise missile submarine is also Project 949 Granit. They are currently part of Russia's northern fleet and are modernizing to increase their lives.

11 such submarines were built in the Severodvinsk measuring 154 meters long and 18 meters wide, to accommodate advanced electronic systems and noisy damping systems. It has a larger fin than its predecessor and a seven-bar propeller.

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