YOGYAKARTA - VR is the city's newest talk. If you've seen people with large sunglasses on their heads waving their hands as if they're fighting or dancing or moving, then that's the VR for you. It's a type of VR that connects to a computer where the game is loaded. Then how to use a VR box?

VR seems to be only playable via strong PCs. Salah! The newer VR headset model today is much more accessible as it allows your phone to turn it on.

No computer specifics expensive games, no expensive programs, just regular Android and iPhone devices and you're ready to play.

So how does it work?

VR Headset

The first thing. One of the main things you need to play VR is the headset. The VR headset is the large sunglasses you wear on your head. Because it's so big, they look like diver glasses without neon colors.

After all, the VR headset is where you actually see what's happening in cyberspace. The user's point of view becomes the main character point of view in the game. If you play Minecraft, hope every movement you make with your head will be reflected in your character.

The VR headset requires a hand controller and a good set of headphones to complement the VR experience. For one thing, you can't control anything without that hand controller.

In addition, a good set of headphones will make sure you feel like you're actually in the game by making that sound as real as possible.

VR Headset for Your Phone

As mentioned earlier, there is a VR headset that is more accessible and affordable today. You can even get your hands dirty and make a DIY model! That headset is where you can install your iPhone or Android phone to play.

One of the most popular VR headsets is the Samsung Fear VR. This headset is compatible with Samsung series S6 and S7 as well as some of their newest Note models.

With $100, you can get an affordable VR experience where you can browse a number of games on the Samsung Oculus Home software. If anything, the Samsung Fear VR is a headset that helps make VR more common.

Of course, Google will always say something about any new technology. Google Cardboard is really the most unique headset out there for a simple reason - made of cardboard.

If you've heard of the Nintendo Switch add-on, then you know that it's the same concept (even if it's not really proven who imitated who). Google Cardboard can be used by Android and iPhone, and the price is very affordable. If you don't have a Samsung phone, here you have to start.

Lastly, you have the Merger VR Goggles. This headset allows you to play using Android or iPhone and maybe it's the most comfortable VR you'll use. It's very comfortable for people to call it a "mild eyeglass".

Made from foam that can follow your face shape, so you feel more comfortable with this headset. It's also present in 10 refreshing colors, so it's a very good choice for children and teenagers.

Which phone is compatible?

Luckily for you, there are many smartphones compatible with VR headsets for phones. To give you a hint, the Samsung S10 series is a very good choice for VR.

There are also all Google Pixels starting from the 2nd generation model. For iPhone, all mobile phones from iPhone 6 and above can be used for VR.

It's hard to record all compatible phones; this post will be too long if everything is listed here. But to help you, here's what you should know: every VR headset has its own compatibility feature.

If you already have a phone, look for a VR headset compatible with it. If you plan to buy a new phone, select the best VR headset for you and look for a phone compatible with it.

After knowing how to use a VR box, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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