JAKARTA - Since being acquired by Elon Musk some time ago, Twitter has lost a lot of advertising revenue and users. Because they don't like Musk's policies.

Bonded, Twitter users are looking for other social media such as Hive Social. This application is a suitable combination of Twitter and Instagram with a MySpace meeting.

Hive Social offers Twitter simplicity, it also emphasizes more on image or video placements like Instagram, and users can even add music to their profile.

It's quite interesting, and this is how to create a profile on Hive Social. Please note, currently social media with one million users is only available as iOS and Android applications.

The company hasn't provided any websites or desktop apps yet, but this could be a possibility in the future.

Hive Social is run by only two people at this time, and even though it's been around since 2019, it's just gained popularity overnight with the current Twitter drama.

How to Create a Hive Social Account

1. Download the Hive Social app on your iPhone or Android phone.

2. Select Create an account. Users will be presented with the option to register via email, Google or Apple. Optally, if you choose to register by email, there will also be an alternative to using a phone number.

3. Fill in your personal details according to the instructions on the screen. These include email, phone number, password, display name, username, and date of birth.

4. To get started, Hive Social will ask you to choose at least three topics, which will fill in the Find tab with content you might like.

How to Change Hive Social Profile and Header Image

1. After you create an account, select your Profile tab in the lower right corner.

2. Select Edit. Click Circle to change your avatar. You can select the image in your photo library or take a new photo.

3. Select Next, then trim or change the image size to your liking. Click Done.

4. Press Press Persegi Panjang at the top to change your title image. Once again, you can select an existing image or take a new image.

5. Select Next, then trim or change the image size as desired. Click Done. Thus quoted from Digital Trends, Wednesday, November 23.

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