How To Take Fire Flower Like A Professional With Smart Phones
Kembang api merupakan objek yang mengebatkan untuk dipoto. (foto:dok.unsplash)

JAKARTA - Soon the whole world will celebrate New Year's Eve, it's a good idea to capture the moment of togetherness with your family. Especially if you like watching fireworks performances. There are several ways to take pictures of it.

The fireworks are an amazing object to take a photo, but also complicated. So it takes a little bit of knowledge or tricks to take photos of great fireworks, and the good news is you don't need an expensive mirrorless camera or DSLR to get incredible shots.

The camera phones on many smartphones are able to shoot fireworks perfectly, you just need to make sure you're in the right place, and here's a trick to take pictures of fireworks.

1. Right Location

Before you start taking pictures, the first thing to consider is the best place to take photos. Even though fireworks look good on their own, fireworks can look better when they explode over cities, oceans, or other interesting locations.

It's a good idea to try to position yourself in a higher place, so that it's more than just a targeted sky. You can take advantage of other views very well, using puddles, for example, you can reflect the colorful explosions from below.

However, be aware of other light sources in your shot. If you take pictures from a place illuminated by street lights or other unnatural lights, it's a good idea to take some shots of the experiment to make sure the light doesn't interfere with the image.

2. Select Your Lens and Orientation

Apart from choosing a location to memotreg, it's a good idea to consider which lens you will use and which orientation you will take pictures of. Both can be influenced by the choice of your location.

For lenses, if you are far from fireworks and your phone has a telephoto lens, it can be a good choice so you can get a clearer look.

If you are closer to a fireworks show or just want a wider display of the process, consider an ultra-wide lens.

For orientation, consider photographing in portrait mode rather than landscape, as fireworks fire upwards on average, so you have the potential to gain more traces of them and the landscape beneath them that way.

3. Focus on Fire Flower Who Wants to be photographed

There are different types of fireworks, so it's a good idea to consider which ones you are most interested in for portraits. Usually fireworks that glide like rockets are good enough to be the choice to be targeted.

4. Enable Night Mode on Camera

Many smartphones have special night modes that can help when taking photos of low light views, activate the feature.

Or, you may want to switch to manual mode, so you have full control over ISO and the speed of the sound. You may be tempted to use flash, hold. Because fireworks are the source of the light itself, so there is no need for a flash, and your photo will look better without it.

5. Get rid of it in the RAW

Getting the best quality images is always recommended, especially if you plan to edit your photos afterwards, so if your phone supports RAW or other high-quality image modes, switch to one of them. This was quoted from TechRadar, Wednesday, November 2.

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