YOGYAKARTA - Battery capacity is a consideration for many people when buying cellphones. High-capacity batteries increase comfort and support the activities of device users. But over time, suddenly the cellphone battery drains quickly. This condition continues continuously and even the power is draining faster and faster.

Having a cellphone with a battery that runs out is certainly very unpleasant. This condition will disturb comfort and productivity. Especially if a cellphone is needed to make phone calls, video meetings, watch movies, and play games.

Moreover, the cost of repairing cellphone batteries is not cheap. Often makes us think twice about taking it to a service station. But you also need to know the cause of the cellphone battery drain quickly and how to deal with it.

There are several reasons why the cellphone battery runs out quickly. This condition can be experienced by users both within 1 year after purchase, it can even be faster than that. Apart from the age factor of the device, another reason the battery runs out quickly is the use.

The screen is one of the elements in the cellphone that requires quite a lot of battery power. The screen uses the battery for lighting, activates the touchscreen feature, to visual display presentations.

Overscreen settings that are not controlled are one of the sources causing the cellphone battery to drain quickly. You can save battery by setting the screen, such as lowering light levels, activating dark mode, and not using wall exposure to movement.

Mobile users usually use many applications at one time or alternately. For example, when opening a chat application, you then switch to access social media. Soon, moving to open YouTube, and so on. When changing applications, the application that is already running will be stored in a background and not closed.

These activities cause cellphone batteries to become wasteful or run out quickly. The number of applications that are currently running causes a burden on the battery. You can close applications that are no longer in use and are not needed to make the phone battery more efficient.

Many don't know if the system in the cellphone works extra when it's in a difficult place to signal. When you are in a location where the signal is scarce, your phone will continue to work looking for signals.

Your cellphone battery will drain quickly if this condition is allowed to continue. Sometimes mobile phone users don't care about the condition of their cellphone with the location where they are. So to save battery, you can activate airplane mode or disable your cellphone when you are at a location where the signal is difficult.

The battery has the same cycle as a living thing, which is having the age. Maybe you have kept the use of your cellphone so that it doesn't experience the conditions mentioned earlier. But the cellphone battery still runs out quickly.

Mobile batteries have an age that will get older. Over time, battery performance will decrease following an old age. Usually mobile phone batteries have optimal capabilities in three to five years of use. The only way to solve this problem is to replace your cellphone battery, or all of you buy a new cellphone.

that's some of the causes of the cellphone battery drain quickly and how to handle it. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that no matter how much capacity, your battery will run out quickly if its use is excessive and is not noticed.

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