Twitter's New Feature Trials Easy For The Cooperative Community In Spaces
Twitter will launch the ability to create special spaces for communities on Twitter Communities,. (photo: dock. twitter)

JAKARTA - Soon Twitter will launch the ability to create special spaces for the community on Twitter Communities, they can exchange ideas or host other events through Spaces, a live audio feature.

The company will start testing a feature called Community Spaces, which is a combination of Twitter Communities and Twitter Spaces.

Basically, trials of the Community Spaces feature will allow communities to create Space in their communities. Testing of the feature started rolling out today.

Because it is in the testing phase, it means that feature access is still limited to several moderators and admin Twitter Communities in the United States (US). Testing is also limited to versions of Android and iOS mobile apps from Twitter.

With this experiment, a group of admins and moderators in the US will receive access to make Space live in their Twitter Communities. Audio in the community adds a layer of personality and extra connectivity beyond 280 characters," Twitter said.

"Starting a special live audio conversation for communities and topics, community administrators will be able to lead their communities better, engage their members, and participate in quality conversations with other people of the same interest."

Launching Digital Trends, Thursday, October 13, when Space is launched on Twitter Communities, Space will be highlighted at the top of its member's home timeline.

This new feature gives all community members the opportunity to listen. Likewise, users who visit the community, they can also see and join Space starting in the group, but only community or host members can reply and engage in Space.

For your information, Twitter Communities is a service that allows Twitter users to create and join a community focused on their particular interests and hobbies, such as cooking and fashion.

Twitter Communities are like Facebook Group, but aesthetically more like Reddit Talks. If Community Spaces works well in testing, Twitter will decide to make it a permanent feature.

It seems to have the ability to host audio conversation events can help grow a more active community in the bluebird app.

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