YOGYAKARTA There are many applications that are misused for open BO prostitution services by users. Even though the application is not intended for such services. Apart from violating the law, its use is also prone to fraud.

The prostitution service provider works online. Instead of looking for friends or expanding relations, the application is instead used to advertise its services.

In Indonesia, the application that is often used to look for online prostitution is MiChat. This application is quite familiar, especially among young people. Apart from MiChat, there are many other applications that are misused. Here's the list.

This social media is also often used to offer online prostitution services. Through the WhatsApp application, prostitution service providers can freely offer their services to customers secretly.

Twitter is actually intended to build social networks digitally. However, some users actually offer open BO services via Twitter openly. Through this application, users can search for 18+ accounts that do not hesitate to include photos, tariffs, and numbers that can be contacted.

This online dating application works with a swipe and match system, which allows two people to show their interest in each other. Tantan users in Indonesia are quite a lot, so they are used by prostitution service providers to attract customers.

This chat application is as popular as WhatsApp. The features that are often used are People Nearby and Telegram Groups which contain pornographic content. Providers of prostitution services will usually offer their services through groups available on Telegram.

This application is intended as a date finder. Not only abroad, some of its users come from Indonesia. The way Badoo works is similar to Tantan, namely with swipe and match. Badoo users can upload their sexy photos to attract customers.

Say Hi not only provides a chat feature but is also able to detect the presence of local users. Instead of looking for new friends and establishing new relationships, Say Hi is actually used to offer prostitution services by individuals.

This application is the same as other dating applications, which are also used to offer prostitution services. You should be careful because many users disguise their identities.

This online dating application is also often used as a place to offer open BO services. The way it works is the same as Tantan and Badoo. It's just that when men and women match, only women can start communication via Chatting or Video Call.

This application is also often identified with online prostitution. This application allows someone to find new friends around users. The ease of finding new acquaintances is actually used by prostitution service providers.

Tinder is a very popular online dating application in Indonesia. Users usually look for acquaintances, new dates, including the target of open BO service tenants. The system is the same as Tantan. Providers of prostitution services will usually post erotic photos and include information that leads to open BO services.

Users of this popular application can search for other users based on distance. When two people match, they can open the chat with each other via the chat feature. The number of Tinder users in Indonesia allows fraud to occur to other criminal acts. Users are advised to be more selective when using Tinder.

Those are some applications that are misused for open BO in Indonesia. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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