SUBANG- PT Pupuk Kujang in collaboration with the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) to support the application of technology in the agricultural sector through spraying liquid leaf fertilizer using drones in the Compreng area, Subang Regency, West Java. "We introduce PT Pupuk Kujang's new product in the form of liquid leaf fertilizers," said VP of Communication of Pupuk Kujang, Andi Komara in his statement to Antara, in Subang, Saturday, September 3. The progress of liquid leaf fertilizer using drones was carried out in IPB Alumni Association Innovation Village, Kiara Sari Village, Compreng District, Subang. He said the leaf fertilizer was liquid. This leaf fertilizer is given to plants through leaf mouths or stoomata, useful for providing additional nutrients for plants other than those absorbed by plant roots. For drone tank capacity used to spray leaf fertilizer automatically as much as 20 liters and drone movements were monitored directly by operators. The Pupuk Kujang Rangga Jiwa Research Team said that this liquid leaf fertilizer has a fairly complete content, both macro and micronutrients.

In addition, there are also NPK content, magnesium calcium and tres elements that can be used for all types of plants. "This liquid leaf growth is very useful for plant resilience and increasing rendement," he said. Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University, Prof. Suryo Wiyono said the use of drones in agriculture is an answer to overcome the challenges of labor in the agricultural sector. It is hoped that this will also be able to load more modern agriculture and attract young people in the agricultural world. He also added that by using drones, the cost of fertilizer distribution is lower than conventional and can be faster. By using drones, he said, to deploy fertilizer on 100 hectares, it will only take four to five days. Meanwhile, if done manually, per hectare requires about 25 workers. "With its speed and equity and effectiveness, it is better to use drones," said Suryo.

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