JAKARTA - After criticizing Apple for delaying app updates, Telegram boss Pavel Durov announced the update is coming now.

Today, Sunday, Telegram announced that it is rolling out an update to its interactive emoji feature that will make conversations even more interesting.

However, not all of these updates can be enjoyed by everyone as there are several updates that were launched specifically for premium Telegram users. Here are some of those updates.

Animated Custom Emojis

Starting today, Telegram is giving away 10 custom emoji packs that premium Telegram users can add. This number is just the beginning as Telegram promises to bring more than 500 premium emojis in the future.

Regular Telegram users can see those custom emojis if you sent them. In fact, you can use it for free in Saved Messages.

Interactive Custom Emoji

Many popular custom emojis are also interactive when sent in 1-on-1 private chats. So, if you tap on an emoji that you or someone else sent, you will see a full-screen effect in your chat room.

Privacy Settings for Voice Messages (Voice Message Privacy Setting)

For premium Telegram users, you can now control who can send you voice and video messages. Telegram will provide options like Everyone, My contacts, or Nobody.

Premium Telegram Giving (Gifting Telegram Premium)

With this feature, you can share your Premium Telegram experience with friends, family and coworkers by buying them a prepaid subscription card for 3, 6 or 12 months at a discount.

To do this, open the user's profile, then tap iOS Menu or Android Menu and select Give Premium. The given subscription card will instantly appear in your chat with that user with an animated gift box.

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