JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has begun preparing strategic steps to support the use of artificial intelligence (AI). This is done in accordance with the national infrastructure development road map.

"The Ministry of Communication and Information as an accelerator, facilitator, and regulator of Indonesia's digital transformation will certainly continue to contribute to increasing the use and adoption of AI technology prudently, provident (careful), and trustworthy (trustworthy), and in accordance with national identity, through three strategic steps, "said the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Johhny G. Plate, as quoted in his press release, Monday, November 16.

The G20 Digital Economy Task Force meeting last October, emphasized the development of trustworthy artificial intelligence with five principles, namely inclusive growth, sustainable development and prosperity; human-centered values and justice; transparency and clear use of AI; robustness, security and safety of AI implementation; and accountability for the use of AI.

Indonesia through the 2020-2045 National AI Strategy also supports these principles, and will adjust to the national vision and Pancasila as the national identity. Kominfo has prepared three strategic steps to support the use of AI in Indonesia, namely preparing and developing digital talents capable of AI technology, facilitating ecosystem development and drafting regulations and governance.

To realize digital talent, Kominfo will focus on US technology literacy and technical development of AI skills, in order to increase awareness and trust in the use of AI.

"Technical knowledge is needed because a lot of work is projected to be replaced by AI as its use becomes increasingly massive," said Johnny.

Johnny cites a study by the McKinsey institute in 2007 that AI development in Indonesia has the potential to automate 52 percent of jobs.

"Indonesia actually benefits greatly from the presence of a young workforce in the future who comes from Generation Z, who are digital natives, what needs to be done now is to facilitate a link and match between Indonesia's digital talent management and industry and business needs related to AI," he said. Johnny.

"Robots will take human jobs, but, also create other jobs for humans," said Johnny.

So far, Kominfo has had a Digital Talent Scholarship program, the National Digital Literacy Movement and Digital Leadership to develop digital talent over the last few years.

With regard to facilitating the development of a supporting AI ecosystem, including research and innovation, data integration and supporting infrastructure, Kominfo responds to this by expanding internet access and building a National Data Center.

Meanwhile, regarding the third step, namely regulation and governance, according to Kominfo, regulations need to focus on facilitating AI operation data exchange, prioritizing personal data privacy security, transparency, accountability and democratic principles.

"This regulation also needs to mitigate the unintended consequences of using AI, both ethically and practically. This effort has more or less been included in the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology's move by facilitating the preparation of the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP) to ensure privacy and security. broader data on Indonesian citizens, "said Johnny.

Optimizing the use of AI needs to be carried out with a comprehensive collaborative principle between government, industry, academia and society. This cross-sectoral approach is needed so that AI is developed in a careful, wise and efficient manner for the community.

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