JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, asked the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) to block online gambling applications that are increasingly widespread.

This was conveyed by LaNyalla in response to the pros and cons of netizens against the attitude of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics which allowed a number of sites that were indicated as online gambling providers because they were legally registered as Electronic System Operators (PSE).

Meanwhile, a number of game applications or online games were blocked because they did not register as PSE. "I ask the Ministry of Communication and Information to move quickly to block online gambling sites and applications. The reason is that lately it has become increasingly widespread and targeting young people. Because young people who are full of curiosity finally try and get trapped in online gambling," said LaNyalla, who was in recess in East Java, yesterday. .

According to LaNyalla, blocking should not only fulfill the demands of netizens. However, a moral policy must be taken for the sake of saving the nation's assets and also a number of materials owned by the community.

"As online loan sites continue to metamorphose into new names and new sites, so does online gambling. The government, in this case the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, must work even harder to clean the digital world of garbage that can damage our generation," he said.

He added, the existence of online gambling applications and sites also contradicts the applicable laws and regulations. "It's very clear that online gambling is a violation of the law. That's why Kominfo must be firm in this regard. Even legal action can be taken if you don't want to follow the rules," he said.

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