JAKARTA - Time Attendance or more fully known as the present attendance management system has changed various things significantly. In addition, it makes the system for recording employee attendance in a company easier.

Time attendance system is a platform that utilizes a cloud system to be managed online.

In this case, the cloud system is a combination of the use of computer technology with internet-based development and is useful for running applications or programs via computers.

Through this cloud-based time attendance management system, it offers many benefits. Because you don't have to manage employee attendance data manually, which allows for human error due to incorrect data input.

Get to know the Time Attendance Management System

It can be concluded that the time attendance management system is a system for monitoring the working hours of HR or employees in the company. It is a system that can be used to archive the time of company employees and their departure times.

The attendance management system was initially carried out by recording employee working time on paper, using bookkeeping pages, utilizing web presence management and through making time cards.

Why is Time Attendance Management System Important?

Time attendance management systems generally allow you to calculate employee working time accurately.

This is very useful, if you have employees who always work every hour. In this case, you have to calculate the exact wages that must be paid to HR or employees in the company.

In addition, you must know whether the company owes wages for employee overtime or not. A company, of course, must always be able to see the length of time employees work.

Every employee can record and document time, whether it's outside or inside the business. You can track how many employees are working, even when you can't see them live.

The employee time tracking system will inform you that the employee is on time. This is only useful if you require employees in the company to properly document and share their time in and out of work.

In addition, you can also see if employees are late for work or even earlier when they go home.

With this time attendance, it allows you to track the number of vacations used by employees. This is especially important if your business has a policy that allows each employee to use the number of vacation or sick days.

Types of Time Attendance Management System

Some payroll software is usually equipped with attendance management system capabilities.

However, there are several employee attendance/attendance management system software available. Each of these software offers a different type of time attendance management system.

There is attendance management software that is included in leave management, and provides input for payroll needs and the payroll process that takes place in the company.

Here are several types of time attendance management system software that you need to know:

1. Break-time Tracking Software

There are some companies that feel the need to track employee rest periods. Break time tracking is a solution for these companies. Through this software, employees can record the attendance of employees who leave and enter several times.

The first attendance recording process usually records the entry of employees into the office or company location.

Then every time the attendance records out and the next entry there is a break. Usually this software is intended for companies that generally spend time working on important projects.

2. Biometric Attendance Software

This type of time attendance software in the form of a biometric attendance system generally verifies the identity of employees as well as records the time of leaving and entering employees using fingerprints. It can be said that this system is very popular.

It aims to prevent fraud which can ultimately affect the productivity of the company as a whole.

Usually this biometric system has been integrated with other systems, which can convert data into a report clearly.

This system is also trusted and proven to be more budget efficient, because it does not require additional costs other than using a biometric machine. Removing or adding employees through this system can also be done quickly and easily.

3. Online Attendance Management Software

Time attendance systems with web facilities are usually known as online attendance management software.

All functions performed rely on cloud technology to ensure employee attendance data can be accessed easily and flexibly with the help of an internet connection.

What are the Benefits of Using Time Attendance Software

In time attendance software, there are usually various features included with the following benefits:

1. Can Minimize the Potential for Cheating

Usually companies that rely on attendance management systems have more accurate employee attendance data, so it can make it easier to monitor employee performance.

In addition, the employee attendance data recording system is calculated according to the attendance recapitulation that has been carried out.

2. Can Monitor In Real Time

Through time attendance, companies can monitor employee data in real time.

Of course, this can make it easier for the HRD department because employee delays can be immediately cut without the need to transfer the data to a computer or other device.

This is because synchronizing employee data becomes easier because it will be formatted automatically and stored in a cloud storage system.

3. Only Requires Internet Connection

If the company has implemented a time attendance system, then every employee is required to have this application on their respective smartphones.

In addition, an internet connection is also required in the office to make it easier for employees to take attendance online.

So, wherever employees are with the availability of an internet connection in the office, employees can use the attendance management system software. In addition, this software can also reduce the cost of equipment procurement and maintenance.

4. More Accurate Data and Faster Data Collection Process

With time attendance software, you can avoid errors, especially in calculating the presence of HR in the company. This is because the HRD team has to take care of the large number of employees. Usually they prepare various reports, ranging from reports on permits, salaries, sickness and so on.

Moreover, manual data collection is prone to errors that can have an impact on employee losses. Therefore, the presence of time attendance can make it easier for the HRD team to record employees accurately.

5. Easier Data Recapitulation Process

Through the use of an attendance management system, the company does not have to move data to a computer anymore. Because this application has been fully integrated with other company data.

In addition, data including tardiness and attendance can be combined with other employee data. For example, position data and employee identity.

Functions of Time Attendance Management Software

With time attendance software for companies, you will get the following functions:

1. Improving Discipline Culture

The first function of attendance management is to be able to build and improve a culture of discipline in employees. Discipline culture plays a very important role for a company. This is because discipline can affect the productivity and performance of the employees themselves.

With attendance management software, later it will manage the data of all employees to create a punctual or disciplined culture.

Usually the data includes time of return and arrival, shift schedules, overtime data, employee permits and attendance.

All of these data can be directly connected, integrated and presented online, therefore management usually uses this data to monitor employee productivity while being able to make decisions quickly and accurately.

2. Payroll Management

Attendance management system also usually applies to the payroll system for workers or employees. In this case, the company can calculate the salary according to the company's or employee's working days, position and workload of the employee himself.

By using this employee attendance management system, you can calculate the employee's monthly income. In addition, the calculation includes the calculation of employee taxes that must be deducted as well as the number of employee holidays.

3. Self Service

Usually attendance management offers a self-service function, allowing employees to manage the software independently.

Employees now don't need to contact the HRD team when they print salaries, check the rest of the holidays, apply for leave, and apply for permission when they can't work.

After the employee submits a leave application through the attendance system management software, the HRD team will immediately follow up on the software without the need to contact the employee directly.

Attendance Management System Application Features

There are several features that the attendance management system software has, including:

1. Attendance

The first feature is attendance, which allows employees to take attendance anytime and anywhere equipped with a GPS system.

The goal is to make it easier for companies to monitor employee attendance and location in real-time. In addition, attendance analysis can be done automatically to check the level of employee discipline.

2. Overtime (Overtime)

Employees can fill in overtime requests through the application directly. Because from this application, overtime requests will be sent directly to HRD and HRD just needs to do the approval.

In addition, the recording for employee overtime can be done automatically as a report material as well as to analyze the level of effectiveness of employee performance.

3. Working Schedule

The Company's HRD team can manage the work schedule of all employees. Because through this employee working schedule setting feature, it makes it easier for the HR team to set the working days and working hours of each employee.

4. Permit or Leave from Work

Employees can submit requests for leave or permission from anywhere. Because this application has been equipped with a permit or leave feature by employees to HRD before being approved by the ACC. The system will automatically collect data regarding employee permits or leave when applying for them.

In addition, employees can also prove this leave/permit application by uploading evidence via an application in the form of a photo or a soft copy of a sick certificate made from a doctor, if the reason is sick. Employees can also upload other evidence according to company needs.

However, for the purpose of work effectiveness, HR usually has set a limit on the maximum permission or leave for employees. The goal is that the company's operations can run smoothly.

5. Employee Database

HR team Can invite employees using the time attendance application easily. This is because, this one application has been equipped with facilities in the form of employee data. So that it is easier for HR to manage leave schedules, work schedules, attendance locations, leave applications and others.

You can get all the benefits above by choosing the time attendance system management application from Talenta. This is because Talenta By Mekari allows you to calculate salaries, reimbursement processes, PPH 21, to company operational activities, making HRD performance easier and more practical! (adv)

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