JAKARTA – The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, visited Qualcomm's office in San Diego, California, United States, on Wednesday 27 July local time or Thursday 28 July.

The Minister of Communication and Information during the visit explored the application of Qualcomm technology for smart new capital cities in the new capital city in particular and Indonesia in general.

Minister Johnny G Plate received Qualcomm's Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Global, Nate Tibbits,. In addition to hearing the explanation about the technology developed by Qualcomm, the Minister of Communication and Information also witnessed a demonstration of the application of Qualcomm's technology.

"The President has given directions for us to build a new National Capital that carries the concept of a modern city, a smart city and environmentally friendly," said Minister Johnny after a press statement received by VOI.

President Jokowi emphasized that later the new IKN would not be just a city containing government offices, but a new city with the concept of a new smart metropolis. The President hopes that the new smart metropolis can become a magnet, become a global talent magnet, and become a center of innovation. In this way, IKN will become a competitive new city at the global level.

Menkominfo Johnny G Plate dan rombongan di depan markas Qualcomm. (Ist)
Menkominfo Johnny G Plate and entourage in front of Qualcomm headquarters. (Ist)

Qualcomm has developed two technologies, namely fixed wireless access (FWA) and Millimeter Wave frequency which can be applied in both densely populated and remote (remote) areas. The millimeter wave frequency is the highest frequency for 5G technology and Qualcomm offers frequencies of 26GHz, 28GHz, and 60GHz.

Qualcomm has implemented 5G technology in Moto GP Mandalika in collaboration with Telkom. It is possible for the company to work together again with Indonesian telecommunications companies to implement 5G at the G20 Indonesia Presidency in Bali, November 2022. Qualcomm technology in the form of smart education was once implemented in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister Johnny said the biggest challenge in implementing fixed wireless access and millimeter wave technology is infrastructure. "The current government's focus is to complete the construction of 4G as the backbone of Indonesian telecommunications and at the same time introduce 5G technology to the public," said the Minister of Communication and Information.

Menkominfo Johnny G Plate menerima penjelasan dari pihak Qualcomm. (Ist)
Menkominfo Johnny G Plate received an explanation from Qualcomm. (Ist)

Adoption of technology for smart cities clearly requires large investments, regulatory support that is in accordance with technological developments, and carries out domestic component level standards (TKDN). The government through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will use a blended financing scheme, in which investment financing comes from the government and the private sector, telecommunication and application companies. Despite having to invest heavily, the Return on Investment (ROI) of financing the construction of this 5G project is much faster than other technologies. "On average, the return on investment is 4.8 years," said the Minister of Communication and Information.

The development of digital technology actually drives the development of the digital economy to billions of dollars. The Minister of Communication and Information gave an example that digital technology will create jobs. "Until 2030 it is predicted that no less than 4.4 million jobs can be generated from the adoption of digital technology," concluded Johnny G Plate.

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