JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi reviewed the progress of the construction of the Red and White Electric Bus (BLMP) to PT INKA in Madiun, East Java, on Sunday, July 17.

The Minister of Transportation asked PT INKA to speed up construction so that there is still time to make repairs before it can be used.

"We have to calculate this bus with a good safety standard," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya in a statement monitored in Jakarta, Sunday, July 17.

The Minister of Transportation wants to ensure that the work can be completed on time, in order to support the implementation of the G20 Summit in November 2022.

He appreciated PT INKA in collaboration with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and a number of universities, in using the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) which was more than 50 percent.

"This will open up new workspaces for domestic products and also opportunities for academics at universities to conduct research and innovation, which so far can only be done abroad," said the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation also gave appreciation to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education who has supported research funding which is outlined in the form of downstream works, such as the construction of domestic electric buses.

"Currently we are building 30 electric buses and in the future it will continue to grow," he said.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation asked a number of SOE operators such as Damri, PT KAI, and INKA to continue to support and open up opportunities for the world of education to conduct research on the development of transportation technology more intensively.

“It is impossible for the industrial world to run alone, it must cooperate with the education sector. Next, we provide opportunities for universities to participate in the development of light rail transportation or LRT," said the Minister of Transportation.

For information, the BLMP production that will be used for the first time for the G20 Summit is an assignment by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to a consortium of Universities and PT INKA (Persero).

The state universities involved in the G20 bus work are from ITS Surabaya, UGM Yogyakarta, UNAIR Surabaya, ISI Denpasar.

The advantages of BLMP include noise, suspension, and optimization of reducing vehicle weight to be lighter, because it is the result of the development of the previous bus based on input from various parties.

The BLMP specification uses components from several Indonesian State Universities (PTN), so that the TKDN can increase to more than 70 percent.

The travel power reaches 160 km and only takes 2.5 hours for the charging process to be ready to operate again.

BLMP has also been ordered by Damri with the Buy The Service (BTS) system to be operated in several areas such as Bandung and Surabaya.

During his visit to PT INKA, the Minister of Transportation also witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Research and Development of Hybrid and Smart-Based Light Trains carried out by BRIN, PT INKA, PT KAI and several state universities.

The hybrid and intelligent light train is the development of several INKA products, namely the South Sumatra LRT, Jabodebek LRT, and Tram Mover with technologies such as automatic signaling/automatic brake when crossing the speed limit, driverless Grade of Automation (GOA) 3, integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT). ), as well as smart maintenance.

State universities that will be involved in the manufacture of hybrid and intelligent light trains are UGM Yogyakarta, ITB Bandung, UNDIP Semarang, University of Indonesia, Telkom University, Madiun State Polytechnic, ITS Surabaya, UNS Surakarta and UB Malang.

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