JAKARTA - The Twitter social media scene is busy with Article 5 and #MosiTidakPbelaya hashtags regarding the attitude of President Joko Widodo who officially signed the Work Creation Act. Especially after netizens found a typo alias typo in the omnibus law totaling 1,187 pages.

Hashtags such as Article 5, Verse 1 are busy talking about by netizens, these words have even entered the trending topic ranks on Twitter. At least there were more than 5,662 warganet tweets discussing the loss of context in Article 5 of the Job Creation Law.

"Fajr, read until page 6, why is there a reference article but no verse," was the tweet of @FPKSDPRRI which was uploaded on Tuesday, November 3.

The article without the intended paragraph is contained in Chapter III Article 6, where it explains every improvement in the investment ecosystem and business activities as referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a. Meanwhile, Article 5 which is contained in Chapter II, does not include paragraph (1) letter a.

"The scope as referred to in Article 4 covers the areas of law regulated in the related law," contained Article 5 of the Job Creation Law.

contents of article 5 of the Job Creation Law (Copy of the Job Creation Law)

Meanwhile, the investment ecosystem enhancement referred to is precisely in Article 4 letter a. It reads "In order to achieve the objectives referred to in Article 3, the scope of this Law regulates strategic Job Creation policies which include: a. Improvement of the investment ecosystem and business activities; ..."

Not only that, netizens also question the definition of the phrase "Oil and gas" on page 223 of the Job Creation Law. Likewise, the phrase "The government is the government of the Republic of Indonesia" was uploaded by the @PoljokesID account.

Some netizens have also tried to straighten the definition of this phrase. Like the @ QueenEster21 account which explains how to compose general provisions in regulations such as laws.

Where the definition in question has been listed in explanation number one or two of the previous point. So writing number 3 will only be a term reference for the next section when discussing the two previous phrases.

"In order not to be redundant and too long, the practice is like that. In that section, it doesn't have to all explain the definition, but it can also be used as a reference for terms / phrases that will be used in the following sections," he tweeted as quoted by VOI.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)