JAKARTA - Nowadays, you may often find a car wash that is open 24 hours. It is also possible to find a fast food restaurant that is constantly open day and night. Then have you ever thought about how they divide their working time which is very customer-intensive? They will share it with a system of shift work rules.

In Indonesian, it is known as sif, which is defined by the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) as entering or working in shifts in factories and so on. Either enter in the morning, afternoon, or evening. And get a turn this week or the following week.

Understanding work shift rules

Employee work shift is a change or determination of working hours which usually occurs every 24 hours. Since that day, changes occur at certain times, such as night shifts, morning shifts or shifts. Many industries rely heavily on shift work to optimize production. The application of shift time depends on the needs and type of business.

Even so, the company still has to pay attention to the safety, health and safety of employees when doing shift work. The type of shift work in Indonesia is usually service or service work, for example police, medical personnel, firefighters, restaurant or shop waiters, and transportation.

The application of working hours or working time with a shift system is actually perfectly legal. Especially for companies or institutions that require 24-hour work to maximize resources. It could also be 24 hours for community services, such as hospitals.

However, there are some rules and regulations made by the government regarding working time. This can be used as a reference by the company to make rules for working hours. This article will discuss work shift rules and working time provisions. So, read this article to the end!

Why Management of Shift Work Is Very Important for the Growth of a Company?

The availability of goods and the distribution process is one of the important factors that should be considered. consumers will choose to look for products that are already available and have easy reach rather than having to wait for other products that are much longer in availability.

Sometimes, consumers do not even care about the brand of the product as long as it is able to meet their needs appropriately and quickly.

Not all target consumers are active in the same operating hours. Sometimes, many of the consumers who need these products at 2 am or even midnight. Maybe it was at this time that they were able to choose the item they wanted and order it.

Meanwhile, consumers in other parts of the world have significant time differences and require goods at unexpected times. This is what makes a company increase working hours up to 8 hours or even up to 9 hours.

The company's initial goal is to provide manufactured goods that are always available when consumers need them but are hampered by limited working hours. This is what makes companies start implementing a shift work system.

A company will experience a huge loss in case of congestion. Many machines or components of production operations are designed to work 24 hours a day in order to generate profits for the company and avoid losses. In fact, when the production process stalls or the machines stop working for just an hour, the company has suffered a very unfortunate loss.

To prevent this loss from happening, a shift work system was created. Where some employees will operate the machine during the day and some will operate the machine at night.

The level of effectiveness in using the shift work system can be seen from the following review, which fully discusses the reasons why shift work is very important for the development of a company, and how to implement shift work system management for workers properly.

Shift Work For Company Development

Many workers choose to do shifts due to job demands. On the bright side, workers are able to decide for themselves how they want to live – balancing office and social life. When working in the morning until the afternoon is not in accordance with the 'activities' they do, shift work becomes a very lucrative choice.

However, sometimes the wishes of workers are not always in line with the goals to be achieved by the company. This is where the task of HRD is very necessary in order to align the two components of the company so that they can run well.

By making shift work, you will be able to accommodate the wishes of workers while aligning them with company goals. You can provide work hours options that are preferred by workers and make the production process more productive.

Workers will have complete control to choose their own working time, balance work-life and are free to choose their own schedule. This certainly makes workers much happier and more productive at work.

How to Apply Correct Shift Work Management

Here are some tips that can be done to increase worker satisfaction with the shift work system that has been designed, including:

Plan Shift Work By Viewing Employee Holidays

A company must be able to predict when a worker will take time off or ask for the most time off. Where this will certainly help adjust the shift work schedule in lieu of the holiday.

Make sure that workers have planned their leave well in advance, be it for family, religion or just a vacation. The company's planning in determining work shifts will be able to adjust the wishes of employees within certain limits.

Ask Workers To Always Fill In and Out Time

In addition to helping the company to see how many hours of operation a worker performs, the form for filling in and out hours can be used as a means of tracking or monitoring how the worker's performance is.

Setting Consistent Work Shift Hours

The predetermined shift work hours will help workers to schedule other activities on the same day. They will be able to divide work time and balance their life and social life.

It is recommended not to change the work shift time continuously. This will actually make it difficult for workers to predict the schedule of what activities they have to do.

Always Make a Backup Plan for the Unexpected

An example of an unexpected thing that the company must anticipate is when a worker gets sick and has to take sudden leave. This is not something that can be predicted and workers will not be able to make plans ahead of time.

Always provide a second, or third, or fourth option to solve the problem at hand. You can find a temporary replacement or fill in the gaps by hiring workers from other sectors. Consider always providing preparations to accept workers who are able to add to their shifts and create a form so they can be contacted at any time.

This is what will be very helpful when things happen that are not planned, such as the sudden departure of workers from the company or others. Instead of leaving the position vacant and disrupting the production process, it would be better to prepare backup workers ahead of time.

Set Humane Working Hours

It is very important for companies to implement humane shift work hours. Examples of cases that can be seen are night shifts or weekends. It would be very inhumane to give night and weekend hours as long as day shifts. This can make workers feel bored and exhausted.

Instead of just dividing it into two parts, namely night and day shifts, you can add a third option by shortening working hours by adding one more shift per day.

Always do a night check at least once a week

To ensure that your workers are working optimally at night, try to make a surprise visit or evaluation at least once a week. This is not only to ensure that workers do their jobs well, but also to meet their needs and deal with problems that may be different from those faced by workers in the day shift.

Working Hours Rotation Required

Some workers will feel bored if they always work at night, while workers who are on the day shift will feel much easier and fresher. To maintain this balance, it is necessary to rotate the working hours.

Move night shift workers to work the day shift for some time and vice versa. This will be much healthier and more productive for the company.

Give Incentives to Exemplary Employees

By providing adequate incentives to employees, it is hoped that it will be able to increase healthy competition between employees so as to generate profits for the company.

Use Software to Create Shift Work Schedules

Software for creating shift work schedules will help you manage employee shift work hours easily. So you don't have to bother doing manual recording. The calculation of overtime hours and salaries has also become easier.

There are various businesses that have operating hours that exceed 8 hours even up to 24 hours. Therefore, the use of software to make shift work schedules. This is needed so that the employee shift schedule continues to run. Here are the applications:

Talent by Mekari

Talenta is a software for making shift work schedules, this one manages employee shift schedules evenly and with a practical process. In addition to the shift scheduling feature, this application can also manage employee leave that has been scheduled in the shift.

This feature makes it easier to change work shifts. By using this application, everything is very practical without manual calculations and has automatically synchronized arrivals and delays according to the shift schedule.

Human Capital Management

Human Capital Management or also known as HRMS has a function to comprehensively register HR operations. The use of HRMS can support more organized HR operations. All documented data is stored in one place. This can minimize the manual data collection process that takes a lot of time.

The features in this application are payroll, employee administration, recruitment, training, performance reviews, and employee benefits. This application also supports work shift scheduling. HCM is very suitable for use by companies that need workers to manage on a large scale. Generally this application is used to manage formal or white collar workers.

Workforce Management Platform

This workforce management application has the function of managing the workforce as a whole. This application is able to combine many features in one platform and can also support HCMR and Time & Attendance applications. WMP also has a Time & Attendance system in one platform. So users don't need to use two software to make shift work schedules and check attendance.

The Workforce Management Platform also makes it possible to integrate existing worker data. This makes WMP a very appropriate application for companies in the fields of manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, retail, to hospitality.

Features in Wmp include managing work shifts, clocking in and hours out, recapitulating worker management performance and others. All existing processes are integrated efficiently. Software to create shift work schedules is suitable for companies that have many workers.

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