JAKARTA - Computers or laptops have become daily necessities. Due to the high intensity of use, the computer can also be damaged or crash quickly.

Therefore, those of you who are dependent on computers need to know the signs of damage so that they suddenly don't hamper your routine while performing.

Here are some 6 signs your computer will be damaged:

1 Noisy Hard Drives Although most modern high-end laptops now use Solid State Drives (SSD), traditional hard drives are still common in budget machines and some desktop computers.

Traditional hard drives are mechanical, they have moving parts. And just like anything else with moving parts, they can wear out, break down, and stop working. If your Hard Drive is making noise, it could be a sign of a malfunction in your computer.

2 Boot Error If you see a message like "Boot device not found", there's a good chance that your copy of Windows is corrupted. While it's easy to fix boot errors, you should still be vigilant.

3 Poor Software Performance Computer damage is not always the hardware alone, software can also cause problems.

One of the simplest yet overlooked reasons for software problems is the specifications of your computer.

If an application requires more processing power than your computer can provide, your computer will slow down, and the system will even crash.

4 Poor Hardware Performance If you've been thinking that you don't have "heavy" software, but your computer is still slow, it could be that your hardware is bad.

5 Loud System Fan If your computer's fan is louder than usual, this could be a sign that it is hot inside the machine when the machine is continuously being used, and that could be causing problems.

If the internal components of your laptop or desktop overheat, the situation can eventually lead to crashes and even hardware damage.

6 Damaged Files and Programs Corrupt (damaged) files are one of the triggers for slow computer operation. Marked by the computer experiencing problems during initial operation.

As for other problems that cause computer performance to be slow, such as malware, failed hard drives, failed internal components, and corrupted files all.

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