JAKARTA - Black holes are indeed the most mysterious phenomena in the universe, making anyone curious about what is in there. Recent research has given us some of the answers.

Studies from the University of Michigan show that black holes are just holograms. However, the researchers did not say that black holes are holograms like most people imagine holograms, a kind of sci-fi projection.

Instead, they used the idea of holograms to explore how the interior of a black hole connects to the outside.

Led by Enrico Rinaldi, the study is based on an idea known as holographic duality which states that the theory of gravity and the theory of particles are mathematically the same thing.

However, the theory of gravity explains the third dimension, while the particle theory explains the second dimension. So far, both theories are relevant in describing how black holes operate.

So, what does this idea of holographic duality mean for black holes and what lies within them?

"Our concept of the interior of a black hole is based on the theory of gravity, which suggests that the black hole operates in the third dimension," said Rinaldi.

Space and time are moving in through the black hole from the outside. However, calculating the outside of a black hole is not in the same way as the inside. The outside of a black hole is considered flat, even though the inside operates in 3D.

In the study, the researchers calculated using two simulation methods at the same time and described what a black hole's gravity would look like.

The interior of a black hole has such a gravitational pull that it cannot be seen what is happening to the human eye, it must be calculated mathematically. The way humans understand what happens inside black holes is explained through holographic projections.

Counting the Inside of a Black Hole

In this case, the hologram is a flat (2D) image that shows the image in three dimensions (3D). For example like Tupac holographic or 2-Pac, where a Tupac 3D image is holographically projected onto a 2D mylar panel.

These provide the same visual information they got with the original 3D Tupac, even though what they actually see is all on a 2D surface.

Using a quantum matrix model to study the relationship between the theory of gravity and particle theory, the researchers have described a black hole with a three-dimensional center projected thanks to particles calculated in two dimensions.

The conclusion of the latest calculations, the interior of black holes can only be explained mathematically. Until humans have the ability to understand the interior of black holes in a way that is inconsistent with current understanding of the nature of the universe, and will not really be sure if what is seen is there.

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