JAKARTA - Netflix can already access Telkom group network users, such as IndiHome or Telkomsel. It's just that the case of blocking video-on demand services by Telkom some time ago was questioned by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU).

KPPU assessed that the blocking which was carried out by Telkom for almost four years was an act of discrimination against Netflix. Because other operators can actually access services from the Over-The-Top platform from the United States (US).

"In essence, we reject the allegations from the KPPU's investigative team regarding discrimination," said Telkom's attorney, Muhtar Ali, as quoted by Antara , Thursday, October 15.

Telkom, as the Reported Party I in pekara No. 08 / KPPU-I / 2020 was registered on September 17, 2020, said the blocking was Telkom's attempt to fulfill a number of laws, including Article 27 (1) Jo Article 45 (1) of the ITE Law regarding the prohibition of content that violates decency, the Film Law , The Pornography Law, to the Consumer Protection Law.

"We know that we are carrying out the law's order to block and indeed Netflix does not agree to take down and censorship because according to him it could affect his business in other countries, so that's why we are closing," said Muhtar.

According to Muhtar, the blocking occurred at that time because Netflix was not yet willing to comply with the policy to reduce content deemed potentially violating regulations in Indonesia. Where the clause in the Subscription Based Video on Demand (SVOD) describes the conditions for filtering, censorship and take down.

On the other hand, Telkom is also still communicating with Netflix regarding the content being broadcast. This includes detailing the terms and conditions of the Netflix service while taking into account the Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Broadcast Program Standards (P3SPS).

"Censorship is what we hope for, because Netflix has made a commitment. This is just starting, and we are currently hoping it will actually be implemented," said Muhtar.

In addition to the two parties having made efforts by conducting negotiations and agreements, he hopes that the government can support these steps to invite business actors to establish the same rules of the game or establish a level playing field.

"They have made a commitment, but in our opinion it also needs attention from the government. All stakeholders sit together how we determine a good policy for our country," said Muhtar.

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